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《西游记》 Journey to the West N+1小组成员: 王浩玉、谷河润、曹鸿俊、熊春仪、秦婧、李文静 About the Author Wu Cheng-en is a novelist in Ming Dynasty. At the time, Wu, influenced heavily by popular stories and folk tales ever since his childhood, chose instead to write this novel in vernacular Chinese. Later in Wu’s elder years, he lived a poor life. Wu Cheng-en wrote a classical novel named xiyouji, which was called Journey to the west in English. 吴承恩自幼喜欢读野言稗史,熟悉古代神话和民间传说。科场的失意,生活的困顿,使他加深了对封建科举制度、黑暗社会现实的认识,促使他运用志怪小说的形式来表达内心的不满和愤懑。他自言:“虽然吾书名为志怪,盖不专明鬼,实记人间变异,亦微有鉴戒寓焉。” Brief of the Story Journey to the West is thought to have been written and published anonymously by Wu Cheng-en in the 16th century. Journey to the West is the earliest Chinese novel for which the authorship is officially documented. Brief of the Story 唐僧师徒四人为取真经,行至宛子山前。在宛子山波月洞内,住着一个凶残、狡猾,善于伪装的千年尸魔白骨精。为了吃唐僧肉,先后变幻为上山送斋的村姑和朝山进香的老妪,全被孙悟空识破。唐僧却不辨人妖,反而责怪孙悟空恣意行凶,连伤母女两命,违反戒律。白骨精心有不甘,又第三次变成老丈又被孙悟空识空。白骨精利用唐僧心慈,又假冒佛祖名义从天上飘下素绢,责备唐僧姑息孙悟空。唐僧盛怒之下写下贬书,将孙悟空赶回了花果山 . Background 品尝了社会人生酸甜苦辣的吴承恩,开始更加清醒地、深沉地考虑社会人生的问题,并且用自己的诗文向不合理的社会进行抗争。 写作时代为明朝中期,当时社会经济虽繁荣,但政治日渐败坏,百姓生活困苦,作者对此不合理的现象,透过故事提出批评。 Cutural Differences Táng Sānzàng is the Buddhist monk who set out to India to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures for China. He is called Tripitaka in many English versions of the story. Cutural Differences Sūn Wùkōng is the name given to this character by his teacher. He is called Monkey King in English. Cutural Differences Zhū Bājiè is also known as Zhū Wùnéng (Pig Awakened to Power), and given the name Pigsy, Monk Pig or just simply Pig in English. Cutural Differences Shā Wùjìng given the name Friar Sand or Sandy in English, was once the Curtain Raising General, who stood in attendance by the imperial chariot in the Hall of Miraculous Mist. The fourth disciple is the third prince of the Dragon-King, Yulong Santaizi, who was sentenced to death for setting fire to his fathers great pearl. He was saved by Guan Yin from execution to stay and wait for his c


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