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成都信息工程学院银杏酒店管理学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 物业管理纠纷及对策研究 ——以成都万科物业服务有限公司金润华府为例 系 别 酒店管理系 专 业 物业管理   代码 110212 学生姓名 刘欢 学 号 2011561276   年级 2011级 指导教师 毛庆华 教务科研处制表 二Ο一五 年 五 月 三 日 物业管理纠纷及对策研究 ——以成都万科物业服务有限公司金润华府为例 作者姓名:刘欢 学号:2011561276 指导教师:毛庆华 摘要:改革开放以来,我国的经济发展水平和人民的生活水平都得到了较大的提高,房地产业也呈现迅猛的发展趋势,伴随着房地产业的兴起,作为新兴产业的物业管理也处在不断的发展和探索之中。鉴于物业纠纷案件的诉讼不断增多,并且涉及一定的群体性,处理不当会制约整个行业的发展,并影响社会的安定。本文从成都万科物业服务有限公司金润华府项目的实际情况出发,分析物业管理纠纷的成因,通过规范开发商、业主、物业公司的行为,并强化相关部门的职责,完善相关立法,同时充分利用物业人员与业主的调解功能,从源头上避免物业管理纠纷的发生,营造和谐小区。 关键词:物业纠纷 类型 成因 开发商 房屋质量 对策 Property management disputes and its research countermeasures -As Chengdu Vanke Property Services Limited project of Jin run hua fu Student: Liu Huan Instructor: Mao Qinghua Abstract: Since reform and opening up, the development of Chinas economy and peoples living standards have been greatly improved. In addition, there is a growing tendency for real estate. With the rise of real estate,property management is also under the development and explore as a emerging industry. In view of the increasing cases of Property disputes, which relate to a certain collectiveness, If it were handled clumsily, it would restrict the development of the whole industry and influence the stability of a society. The passage from the actual situation of Chengdu Vanke Property Services Limited project of Jin run hua fu, gives us an explanation about the cause of property management disputes. By regulating the behavior of developers, owners and property management companies, strengthening the responsibilities of relevant departments, improving the relevant legislation, making full use of the mediation function between the Property staff and property owner, we can avoid the community. Key words:property disputes type genesis property d


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