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* clean up cheer up put up call up give up give out hand out set up give away take after fix up run out of come up with 打扫(或清除)干净 建起;设立 (使)变得高兴 张贴 打电话给(某人) 放弃 修理,安装 分发 (外貌或行为)像 赠送,捐赠 分发,散发 用尽,耗尽 想出,提出 try out 参加…选拔 help out 帮...摆脱困境 put off 推迟,拖延 ask for 寻求 根据汉语意思,完成句子。 1.因为下雨我们不得不推迟会议。 Because of the rain we had to the meeting. 2.放学后我要分发广告。 I will advertisement after school. 3.让我们给玛丽打电话要她马上过来。 Let`s Mary and ask her to come here at once. 4.我准备带她去看电影,以便使她高兴起来。 I`m going to take her to the cinema put off hand out call up and cheer her up 5.他长得像他妈妈。 He his mother. 6.我花光了所有的钱,因此我不得不向妈妈寻求帮助。 I all my money so I had to my parents help. 7.汤姆说他愿意帮我解决难题。 Tom said he would like me . takes after ran out of ask for to help out 1.Please the room on Sunday, John. 2.I want to my best friend because he is very sad now. 3.Teachers apples to every child every day. 4.The businessman a school for poor children two years ago. 5.I will some housework after I finish my work. clean up cheer up give out set up hand out 6.He will the books to the students. 7.He with a good idea yesterday. 8.Our meeting is because of the bad weather. 9.Please help me my watch. It doesn`t work. 10.The boy like playing computer games. give away came up fix up used to to do 1.The teacher told him make so much noise. A.don`t B. not C.will not D.not to 2.Tell him the window. A.to shut not B. not to shut C.to not shut D.not shut 3.The worker want us together with them. A.work B.work



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