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浅论自媒体传播的法律规制 ——以“质疑命案转发超500次被拘”为考察中心 作者:付正君 [论文摘要]随着Web2.0时代的到来,网络的应用与普及深刻地影响着我国政治、经济、文化的各个层面。网络媒体所独有的信息传播模式,给人们提供了一个前所未有的开放式的“公共领域”交流平台。自媒体的应运而生,使网络成为现代人参与社会生活不可或缺的一部分,网络空间也早已不再是一个虚拟世界。然而,当各种关乎国计民生的大讨论在网上如火如荼的进行时,由于自媒体自律能力的有限性,加之网络缺少“把关人”的存在,难免谣言附风而起。我国建设社会主义和谐社会,加强党的执政能力建设,需要构建一个和谐的社会环境,也需要构建一个良好的网络空间环境。能否积极和有效管理网络,关系到中国特色社会主义事业全局。那么国家以法律手段防止网络言论自由权利的滥用,从而维护网络社会乃至现实社会的和谐自然是正义之举。 [关键词]自媒体 蝴蝶效应 把关人 媒介法律规范 Shallow theory since the legal regulating of the media to question forward kills more than 500 times the detention for inspection center Abstract:With the advent of the era of Web2.0, with the application and popularization of network ,its profoundly affects all aspects of politics, economy and culture in China. Particular mode of network information transmission media, gives people the unprecedented open communication platform public sphere. Since the media arises at the historic moment, make the network become an integral part of modern people to participate in social life, the network space is no longer a virtual world. However, when various about the prosperity of national economy and peoples livelihood big discussion of the Internet, because of the media self-discipline ability is limited, Internet rumors also arise. Construction of a harmonious socialist society in our country, strengthen the partys ruling ability construction, the need to build a harmonious social environment, also need to build a good network environment. Its relationship to the global cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that carry on the effective measures for the administration of network space. Through legal means, to control the network space and the social reality the correct direction of public opinion is above reproach. Keywords: Since the media The butterfly effect Gatekeepers Media legal norms 一、追溯“微博转发500次”第一案 (一)案件适逢的法律背景 2013年9月9日,《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理利用信息网络实施诽谤等刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》(简称《解释》)公布。在《解释》中,第二条第(一)项规定,“同一诽谤信息实际被点击、浏览次数达到五千次以上,或者被转发次数达到五百次以上的”,应



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