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Planet Gear Train Jan, 2013 2 CONFIDENTIAL The following pages contain proprietary information and are not intended for external publication or disclosure ?2010 Moog Moog Intellectual Proprietary Information Legend This technical Data/Drawing/Document contains information that is proprietary to, and is the express property of Moog Inc., or Moog Inc. subsidiaries except as expressly granted by contract or by operation of law and is restricted to use by only Moog employees and other persons authorized in writing by Moog or as expressly granted by contract or by operation of law. No portion of this Data/Drawing/Document shall be reproduced or disclosed or copied or furnished in whole or in part to others or used by others for any purpose whatsoever except as specifically authorized in writing by Moog Inc. 3 Agenda Types of Gear Train Ratio of Planetary Gear Train Planetary Gear Product and Application Failure Analysis 4 What is A Gear Train? 用一系列互相啮合的齿轮将主动轴的运动传到从动轴,这种多齿轮的传动装置成为轮系。 定轴线轮系(定轴轮系) Ordinary Gear Train 所有齿轮转动轴固定 All gear axes fixed 动轴线轮系(周转轮系) Epicyclic Gear Train 一个或一个以上齿轮轴线绕固定轴回转 One or more gear axis rotates by one fixed axis 一个自由度: 行星轮系 Planetary Gear Train 两个自由度: 差动轮系 Differential Gear Train 必须有两个输入才有确定的运动 行星轮系和差动轮系统称行星传动 定轴轮系 动轴轮系 5 有的轮系既包含定轴轮系,又包含动轴轮系,则形成了混合轮系。 14速变速器 动轴轮系 定轴轮系 Ancient Mechanical Gearing 6 Epicyclic differential gearing, used for calendrical computation, has been identified in Greek around 87 BC. This is not a Planetary Gear 7 以下机构用于早期蒸汽涡轮机,从图可以看出,其包含黄色的太阳轮,红色的行星轮与绿色的行星架。黄色主动轮转两圈,行星轮轴绕其轴线转一圈,减速比为2,但是行星轮自身不转动,且主动轮与行星架固定,所以不属于行星齿轮传动。 Other Type of Planetary Gear 8 摆线针轮行星传动 Cycloidal (Plano-eccentric) 传动比范围大,单击6~119,三级传动可达658503 体积小,重量轻,为普通圆柱齿轮体积的1/2~2/3,质量1/3~1/2 效率高,单击效率0.9~0.95 工作平稳噪声低 工作可靠,寿命长 加工制造精度要求高 转臂轴承为其薄弱环节 谐波齿轮传动 Harmonic 依靠弹性变形实现传动,不属于行星传动 传动比大,单级70~320 侧隙小 精度高 零件数少,安装方便 体积小,重量轻 承载能力大 效率高 工作平稳 可向密闭空间传递运动 三种传动形式在EMA中都有应用 9 Main Function of Epicyclic Gear Train 变速 alter shaf


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