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6. date back to / date from 追溯(到),始于 【教材原句】 Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty! Ludwig II of Bavaria, known 1. ________ the Swan King and the Fairy Tale King, 2. ________ spent his life dreaming and chasing after the ideal of beauty, loved stories from the Middle Ages and had the castle and palaces 3. ________ (build) in the style of German knightly castles of old. as who built Neuschwanstein Castle in southern Bavaria was begun in 1869 and 4. ____________ (complete) after Ludwigs death in 1886. It is a copy of a medieval (中世纪的) castle complete with marble towers, spires (尖塔) and balconies 5. ________ (stand) above a river gorge and 6. ________ (fill) with brilliant works and statues. Despite its old design, inside the castle was as modern as it could be in 7. ________ nineteenth century. completed? standing filled? the A spring 200 meters above provided the castle 8. ________ clean running water on all floors and there was hot water in the kitchen and bathroom and flushing toilets. Perhaps, not 9. ___________ (surprise), the castle in Walt Disneys Sleeping Beauty is not a product of the makers imagination 10. ________ based on Neuschwanstein Castle. surprisingly with but B American toy company Mattel, Inc.s adult-looking Barbie doll 1. ________ (be) hugely popular for more than fifty years. It is said that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold since she 2. ____________ (design) and Mattel says that three Barbie dolls are sold 3. ________ second. has been was designed every Later Mattel introduced other ones 4. ________ the shape of friends and even a boyfriend for Barbie 5. ________ (name) Ken. As well as making clothes, jewellery and a pet dog for the “teenage fashion model doll,” Mattel also produces larger toys like a car and a pink dolls house for her called Barbies Dreamhouse, complete with an elevator, a living room, a
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