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Prediction of Reservoir Induced Seismicity It is not easy to predict whether a new reservoir will experience reservoir induced seismicity, because the two most important factors - the state of stress and the rock strength at earthquake depths - cannot be measured directly. This is the same reason why prediction of normal (non-induced) earthquakes is normally unsuccessful. PLACES SCIENTISTS BELIEVE RIS HAS ALREADY OCCURRED Year: ?Location: Earthquake Produced: 1967 ?Koyna, India M 6.7 1962 ?Xinfengjian, China M 6.2 1971 ?Nurek, Tadjikistan M 4.6 1973 ?Warragamba, NSW Australia M 5.5 1978 ?Monticello, South Carolina M 4.1 1981 ?Aswan, Egypt M 5.3 1993 ?Killari, SW India M 6.1 1996 ?Thomson, Victoria Australia M 5.1 M = Magnitude Since geologists know that the Whittier extension of the Elsinore Fault is an active fault line and that water increases the stress on a fault and/or changes the stability of the ground beneath the reservoir,?the danger posed?by the Industry reservoirs is real. ? Should an earthquake occur on the Whittier Fault and should the dam break?the 275,000 acre feet of water?would inundate large portions of the City of Brea and Fullerton, including Brea Junior High and the downtown. More specifically those living along Brea Canyon Road and Brea Blvd., will be inundated with water minutes after a large earthquake.? This is a disaster that should be avoided entirely.? Should a saddle dam break, some of which are proposed to be as high as 120, there is no doubt neighborhoods in Diamond Bar will be flooded as well. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR INDUSTRYS PLANNED RESERVOIR? 印度洋地震后海底山脊倒塌形成山崩地段 中间凹陷部分为印度洋大地震给海床烙上的“伤疤”   近日英国科学家公布了去年年底印度洋大地震发生后,受板块构造冲撞而发生变化的震中地区海床的首批图片。这是人类历史上大规模地震爆发后,海床首次被迅速观察得到的结果。图片显示,受地震影响,印度洋海底山脊已倒塌,并形成数公里宽的山崩地段。   据必威体育精装版一期的《自然》杂志文章报道,英国专家利用高清晰度的多束激光声呐对海底进行了扫描,这些图片显示,受地震影响,印度洋海底中高达1500千米的山脊已出现了巨大的倒塌,并形成数公里宽的山崩地段。科学家初步评估,地震发生时,印度和缅甸两块板块构造突然运动相碰时,印度板块构造被向下挤压,造成海床隆起一道山脊,海水因此向上涌出,结果引发了去年12月26日发生的东南亚大海啸。 这两张2004年12月30日发布的卫星图片显示的是印度尼西亚亚齐省首府班达


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