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Introduction toMacromedia Flash.ppt
Introduction toMacromedia Flash Kevin McManus We are going to look at What is Flash an IDE to create shockwave media Animation timelines, symbols, tweening Programming with ActionScript Sound Publishing on the Web Morphing Fonts Forms Shockwave Binary file format for Flash web pages small download sizes open standard requires a browser to have a shockwave plug-in only from macromedia currently at version 8 in Adobe Flash CS3 Supports all features found in DHTML plus so much more extensive animation support vector and bitmap graphics guaranteed pixel perfect on all browsers providing they have a shockwave plug-in no more browser compatibility issues Shockwave Created using the Flash environment sophisticated IDE work with .fla files and compile to .swf files to publish graphics + animation toolkit part of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Dreamweaver, Contribute, Fireworks, Illustrator, PhotoShop not ColdFusion Other shockwave tools Swish and many others Sophisticated applications ActionScript programming in the client Flash remoting to access server side scripts XML and web service interfaces Animation Cell based (frame) animation key frames motion tweening shape tweening - morphing Path based (vector) animation follows an object’s transition over a vector Combination of cell and path based animation Computational animation object moves by calculating its x and y coordinates Program or script based animation ActionScript - Flash’s scripting language ECMA script flexible, powerful, interactive not as powerful as Lingo - Director’s scripting language Flash Animation IDE with the ability to support Scripted behaviors ActionScript User interaction events forms Key Frames timeline Tweening motion shape Layers Symbols, buttons and movie clips Flash IDE with lots of training support in built A set of lessons implemented as interactive Flash movies complete with template files Getting started with Flash Illustrating in Flash Adding and editing text Creating and editing symbol
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