Windows Presentation Foundation (Avalon) Integrat…….ppt

Windows Presentation Foundation (Avalon) Integrat…….ppt

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Windows Presentation Foundation (Avalon) Integrat…….ppt

Windows Presentation Foundation (Avalon): Integrating With Your Win32/MFC Application Nick Kramer PRS313 Lead Program Manager Microsoft Corporation How Do I Get There From Here? Do I rewrite everything? Too much code to rewrite Existing plug-ins Existing controls Existing documents Integration! Can use WPF with existing code WPF inside existing code Existing code inside WPF Integrate at the component level Maximum richness = all WPF Rewrite Or Evolve? HwndSource and HwndHost WPF inside hwnd = HwndSource hwnd inside WPF = HwndHost Hwnds can be: Pure Win32, DirectX, MFC, GDI, GDI+, etc. WPF inside hwnd HwndSource makes WPF look like a big hwnd WPF inside hwnd hwnd inside WPF HwndHost makes hwnd look like a WPF control DirectX inside WPF Mixed App Considerations Higher long-term cost, lower initial cost Run in browser Integrate your business logic Using XAML in C++ Airspace layered windows Airspace Each pixel belongs to one hwnd Airspace – caution! Layered windows WPF fully supports HRGNs WPF does not support layered windows (WS_EX_LAYERED) Mixed Application Ideas New canvas Mixed Application Ideas Wizards and help systems Generate HTML = Generate XAML WPF wrapper around an existing control WPF inside MFC Summary Can use WPF with existing code Maximum richness = all WPF Integration is for components Info on hwnd integration System.Windows.HwndHost System.Windows.HwndSource Article: Migration and Interop Architecture WPF newsgroup /nickkramer/ nkramer@ Information on C++ and managed code /visualc/ /msdn/default.aspx?ForumGroupID=8 /visualc/using/multimedia/newc/ /nikolad/ Related PDC Talks (PRS321) Windows Forms: Integrating Windows Forms and WPF (FUN318) Windows Vista: A Case Study Using Win32/WinFX Integration to Light-Up Your Win32 Application on Windows Vista (PRS324) WPF: Using Data in Your WPF Applications (PRS330) WPF: Creating Rich Content Experiences in Your Applica


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