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Windows Shell Programming Task Ba.ppt
Windows Shell Programming Task Bar Introduction Introduction Two display options: Auto Hide and Always On Top. 取得 Toolbar 的顯示狀態 use the ABM_GETSTATE message Registering an Application Desktop Toolbar 要接收 Task Bar 的訊息, 就必須先註冊 使用 ABM_NEW message 移除註冊使用 ABM_REMOVE 使用範例 自動設定 TaskBar 狀態 use the ABM_SETSTATE message TaskBar 的 Status Area 一般應用程式利用 Status Area 顯示目前的狀態 Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Icons in the Status Area Actions with status area icons To add an icon to the taskbars status area To modify an icons information To delete an icon from the status area To add an icon Add an Icon 完整範例 Modify an Icon’s Information delete an icon 全部合在一起 攔截 Mouse Clicked Callback function 的處理 定義我們自己的處理 End * * 重要參考資料: ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2004JAN.1033/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/ shell_int/shell_int_programming/taskbar.htm Quick Launch Bar Start Menu ToolBar buttons Status area contains commands that can access programs, documents, and settings contains shortcuts to applications A single click on the applications icon in this area launches the application. To switch to a window, the user clicks its window button. Applications can put icons in the status area to indicate the status of an operation or to notify the user about an event Auto Hide Always On Top 1 2 void CRetiveveTheStateofTaskbarDlg::OnBnClickedOk(){ // Step 1: 建立 APPBARDATA 結構以包含 system appbar message APPBARDATA abd; abd.cbSize=sizeof(APPBARDATA); // Step 2: Send appbar message 給系統 (要求取出 task bar 的狀態) UINT uState = (UINT) SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE, abd); switch(uState){ case ABS_ALWAYSONTOP: MessageBox(The taskbar is in the always-on-top state,\ Taskbar status); break; case ABS_AUTOHIDE: MessageBox(The taskbar is in the autohide state,Taskbar status); break; default: MessageBox(Error (invalid args?),Error); } } 取得目前 Task Bar 的顯示狀態
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