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摘 要 随着互联网技术的不断发展,以及经济水平和人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的商业活动都从传统的现实生活中发展到了网络上,房屋的出租业务也从现实生活中走上了网络空间。本租房管理系统为房主和求租者提供一个直接交流的平台,帮房主将房子租出去,帮求租者租到满意的房子,省去了中介这一中间环节,方便了房主和求租者之间的直接交流,提高了工作效率。 网上租房管理系统主要有四个模块,一个针对普通用户,主要功能有浏览网站介绍,查询房屋出租信息,浏览必威体育精装版出租信息及精品房屋推荐,注册成为会员;一个是针对求租者,主要功能有个人管理、求租管理、租房管理;一个是针对房主,主要功能有个人管理、出租管理、查看求租信息;一个针对管理员,主要功能有对房源信息、留言信息、房主及求租者信息的管理及维护等。 本文主要介绍了本课题的开发背景、开发技术、开发过程和完成的功能。本次的设计是基于Web的网站开发,采用目前较为流行的B/S(Browser/Server浏览器/服务器)三层体系结构和JSP动态网页开发技术及MyEclipse进行开发,使用Tomcat服务器和Microsoft SQL Server数据库,设计并实现了一个功能较为完善的租房管理系统。本系统界面友好,功能实用,操作简便、安全,实现了租房管理的自动化和信息化。 关键词:租房,管理,JSP,Microsoft SQl Server ABSTRACT With the development of the Internet technology, as well as the higher economic level and our living standard, more and more business activities are finished via the network space rather than in real life,including house leasing.This system will provide a platform for house-owners and renters to communicate with each other directly.With its help,house-owners can rent out their house and renters will find a satisfying palace to live without intermediary agencies.In a word, this system facilitates peoples lives and improve the efficiency. The system consists of four parts.The first part is for ordinary users to browse website.You will find house rentaling informations including the latest rental information and information about recommendatories.You can also register to be a member in this part. The second part is for the lessee. Its mian function includes personal management, price management and rental management.The third part is for house-owners and its mian function includes personal management, lease management and checking the inquiries. The last part is for the managers. They will use it to manage and maintain information and messages from house-owners and renters. This article mainly introduced the background,the process and the complete functions of this system. The system is based on website develpment, and the developer use the B/S three-tier Browser/Server (Browse


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