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汉英语篇对比研究的语言学尝试 ——对唐诗《芙蓉楼送辛渐》极其英译文的功能分析 论文作者:黄国文 PPT讲解:李勉 芙蓉楼送辛渐 王昌龄 寒雨连江夜入吴, 平明送客楚山孤。 洛阳亲友如相问, 一片冰心在玉壶。 译文: 迷蒙的烟雨,连夜洒遍吴地江天; 清晨送走你,孤对楚山离愁无限! 朋友呵,洛阳亲友若是问起我来; 就说我依然冰心玉壶,坚守信念! ? 冰心,比喻纯洁的心。 玉壶,道教概念妙真道教义,专指自然无为虚无之心, 唐人有时也以此比喻为官廉洁。 貳 逻辑—语义关系分析 叁 主位结构分析 肆 信息中心分析 衔接 壹 内容 壹 原文与译文: 无衔接与有衔接 衔接与连贯 连贯 衔接 Catherine is a friend of mine. She is from Russia. 衔接 语法手段:照应、替代、 省略、连接 词汇手段:词汇重复、同义词、 反义词、搭配 照应关系 A :Thats the phone. B :Im in the bath. A :OK. 连贯但没有衔接现象 衔接:语篇的表层结构关系; 语篇的有形网络 连贯:语言深层的内容上的连接; 语篇的无形网络 区别 衔接分析 芙蓉楼送辛渐 王昌龄 寒雨连江夜入吴, 平明送客楚山孤。 洛阳亲友如相问, 一片冰心在玉壶。 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Seeing Xin Jian Off at Hibiscus Pavilion Along the river that merged with a cold rain, We entered the Wu city late at night. Early at daybreak I bid you farewell, With only the lone Chu Mountain in sight. If my kinsfolk in Luoyang should feel concerned, Please tell them for my part, Like a piece of ice in a crystal vessel, Foreer aloof and pure remains my heart. 陶洁译: 衔接分析 Seeing Xin Jian Off at Hibiscus Pavilion Along the river that merged with a cold rain, We entered the Wu city late at night. Early at daybreak I bid you farewell, With only the lone Chu Mountain in sight. If my kinsfolk in Luoyang should feel concerned, Please tell them for my part, Like a piece of ice in a crystal vessel, Foreer aloof and pure remains my heart. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 陶洁译: 衔接分析 陶洁译: Seeing Xin Jian Off at Hibiscus Pavilion Along the river that merged with a cold rain, We entered the Wu city late at night. Early at daybreak I bid you farewell, With only the lone Chu Mountain in sight. If my kinsfolk in Luoyang should feel concerned, Please tell them for my part, Like a piece of ice in a crystal vessel, Foreer aloof and pure remains my heart. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 王大濂译: In Luoyang should my folks and friends ask after me, Tell them a heart’s in jade pot, pure as it can be. 万昌盛和王僴中译: Oh, Friend, when folks in Luoyang inquires, let it be said, My heart i


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