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诊断标准: 慢性咳嗽; 24h食管pH值监测Demeester积分≥12.70(国内标准,欧美为14.72),和(或)反流与咳嗽症状相关概率(SAP)≥75%; 排除CVA、EB、UACS等疾病; 抗反流治疗后咳嗽明显减轻或消失。 合并或以非酸反流为主的患者,可通过食管阻抗检测或胆汁反流监测协助诊断。 临床表现: 典型反流症状表现为烧心(胸骨后烧灼感)、反酸、嗳气等。部分胃食管反流引起的咳嗽伴有典型的反流症状, 但有不少患者以咳嗽为惟一的表现。 诊断性治疗: 对于没有食管pH值监测的单位或经济条件有限的慢性咳嗽患者, 具有以下指征者: 患者有明显的进食相关的咳嗽,如餐后咳嗽、进食咳嗽等; 患者伴有GERC症状,如反酸、嗳气、胸骨后烧灼感等; 排除CVA、EB、PNDs等疾病,或按这些疾病治疗效果不佳; 抗反流治疗后咳嗽消失或显著缓解 ----可以临床诊断GERC。 A successful, systematic, anatomic, diagnostic protocol for evaluating patients with chronic cough was presented in 1981. To determine whether it was still valid, we prospectively evaluated, over a 22-month interval, 102 consecutive and unselected immunocompetent patients complaining of cough an average of 53 +/- 97 months (range, 3 wk to 50 yr). Utilizing the anatomic, diagnostic protocol modified to include prolonged esophageal pH monitoring (EPM), the causes of cough were determined in 101 of 102 (99%) patients, leading to specific therapy that was successful in 98%. Cough was due to one condition in 73%, two in 23%, and three in 3%. Postnasal drip syndrome was a cause 41% of the time, asthma 24%, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) 21%, chronic bronchitis 5%, bronchiectasis 4%, and miscellaneous conditions 5%. Cough was the sole presenting manifestation of asthma and GER 28 and 43% of the time, respectively. While history, physical examination, methacholine inhalational challenge (MIC), and EPM yielded the most frequent true positive results, MIC was falsely positive 22% of the time in predicting that asthma was the cause of cough. Laboratory testing was particularly useful in ruling out suspected possibilities. We conclude that the anatomic diagnostic protocol is still valid and that it has well-defined strengths and limitations. * 慢性咳嗽的诊断和 处理 无锡第五人民医院肺科 朱 峰 咳嗽的分类 根据病程 急性:3周 亚急性:3-8周 慢性:8周 * 急性咳嗽 普通感冒 急性气管支气管炎 急性鼻炎/鼻窦炎 变应性鼻炎 慢性支气管炎急性加重 * 亚急性咳嗽 感染后咳嗽 上呼吸道感染后出现的咳嗽 抗菌药物治疗无效 部分病人可伴有气道高反应性 机制 气道上皮损伤,咳嗽受体对吸入刺激反应性增加 鼻后滴流 * 定义 咳嗽对机体的影响 慢性咳嗽的常见病因、诊断及处理 慢性咳嗽的病因诊断程序 慢性咳嗽 * 慢性咳嗽定义 通常根据胸部X线检


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