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南京信息工程大学实验(实习)报告 学院 计算机与软件学院 实验名称 数据库设计 指导教师 王海滨 日期 12.13 专业 软件工程 年级 2013班级 软件工程3班 学号 20131344097姓名 郭明清 1. The books management system management system data requirements Through the establishment of a library management system based on C/S system, makes the books management work systematic, standardization and automation, so as to improve the management efficiency, also convenient for readers borrowing.Using c # programming, the realization of the management of the database information.System application conforms to the provisions of the library information management and processing, satisfy the librarian to books and the demand of the library information management, and achieve the intuitive and convenient in the process of operation, use and security requirements.System with the method of the modular program design, convenient for the combination of the system function and modify, supplement and maintain and facilitate participation in technical personnel. Data dictionary: Data stream number: D01 data flow name: readers information description: the reader information After data flow source: readers lending, administrators will reader input information into the computer.?? The data flow goes: books management module.Readers information will be stored in the database information table (readers).Data item: the readers name, student id and professional ? ? Data stream number: D02 data flow name: book information description: book information Data flow sources: after the book to the library, the administrator will book input information into the computer.?? The data flow goes: books management module.Readers information will be stored in the database (book information table).? Data item: the book number + + books category title + + author press + Price unit Price + date + purchase quantity ? ? Data stream number: D03 data flow name: readers situation description: readers After data flow source: books are borrowed, computer the reader information back to the adminis


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