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课程设计任务书 学生姓名: 蒋立豪 专业班级: 通信1303 指导教师: 陈适   工作单位: 信息工程学院 题 目: 数字基带信号传输码型发生器设计 初始条件:   FPGA芯片(型号不限),ISE仿真软件。 要求完成的主要任务: (包括课程设计工作量及技术要求,以及说明书撰写等具体要求) 要求每位选课同学提交一篇关于FPGA的应用设计报告,选择的FPGA芯片不限,选用的仿真工具不限。格式要求按照课程设计报告的标准格式完成,包括: 常见的几种基带码 : 1.单极性非归零码 2.双极性非归零码 3.单极性归零码 4.双极性归零码 5.差分码 6.交替极性码 7.分相码 8.编码信号反转码 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 系主任(或责任教师)签名: 年 月 日 摘 要 数字通信是信息经编码变换处理后,以数字信号在信道上传输的,较之于模拟通信有很大的优点。数字通信有基带传输和频带传输两种方式,而基带传输系统在数字通信中有重要的代表性。在实际的基带传输系统中,并不是所有类型的基带电波形都能在信道中传输,因此,基带传输的传输码型变换是传输过程的重要环节,对于传输码型的设计有一定的要求。了解常用码型及存在的误码原因,对传输码型进行初步的研究。本文主要数字通信,基带传输Digital communication is information after processing, transform coding, to digital signal transmission in the channel. Compared with analog communication has great advantages. Digital communication baseband transmission and the transmission frequency band in two ways, and baseband transmission system in digital communication have an important representative. In the actual baseband transmission system, and not all types of baseband wave form can transmit in the channel, therefore, baseband transmission of the transmission code transformation is an important link in the transmission process. Therefore, for the design of the transmission code has certain requirements. Understanding of the commonly used code type and the existence of the causes of the error, the transmission code type for a preliminary study. In this paper, the design of a baseband digital signal generator with FPGA based on. Firstly, this paper introduces the unipolar NRZ, bipolar non return to zero (NRZ), unipolar return to zero (NRZ), bipolar return zero code, differential code, alternating the characteristics of code, code phase, inversion codes baseband code, then according to the code conversion principle design generator module. The EDA technology can simplify the circuit, integrated chip, reducing the size of the circuit, so the progra


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