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2014届毕业生毕业论文备选题目 英语专业学生与非英语专业学生英语学习习惯比较研究 A Comparative Study of the Learning Habits of College English Majors and Non-English Majors 2. 大一学生语音意识调查研究 以石化学院为例 Survey of Freshmens Phonological Awareness A case study of BIPT 3. 大学生学习需求调查研究 Survey of Learning Needs of College Students 4. 大学生学习能力调查研究 Survey of College Students Learning Abilities 5. 商务英语电子邮件体裁分析 A Genre Analysis of English Business E-mails 6. 商务英语的语用特征研究 A Study of Pragmatic Characteristics on Business English 7. 中国学习者二语词汇习得认知心理研究 The Study of Chinese Learner L2 Vocabulary Acquisition from Cognitive and Psychological Perspectives 8. 隐喻理论在二语习得中的应用 The Application of Theories of Metaphor in SLA 9. 商务英语语用失误及其文化解读 An Analysis of Pragmatic Errors in Business English Writing from Perspectives of English and Chinese Cultures 10. 英语从句类型与加工难度调查 A Survey on Clause Types and Their Processing Complexity (用问卷调查或其它手段取得数据,用认知理论解释) 11. Catch-22的词汇特点与黑色幽默效果 Lexical Features of Catch-22 with Black Humor Effect 12. 英语动词短语图式探讨 Phrasal Verbs’ Schema 13. 中国语料库研究调查 A Survey on Corpus Linguistics in China 14. 英汉名词后修饰语对比研究 A Comparative Study on Postnominal Modifiers in English and Chinese 15. Chinese Studies in American Universities: A Brief History 16. Chinese Linguistics Through the Filter of Western Linguistics 17. Translating Contemporary American Classics into Chinese: Issues and Problems 18. Chinese University Students Conceptions of America: Misconceptions and Illusions 19. American Social Nonconformism and Civil Dissent through Chinese Eyes 20. Chinese History and the Development of Individual Identity in Chinese University Students Studying English 21. The Present Status of Chinese Social Science 22. 目的论视野下的中国高校网页英译研究 On the English Version Web Pages of Chinese Universities from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 23. 呼唤型文本的翻译补偿——以广告翻译为例 On Compensation for Vocative TextsTaking Advertisements Translation as an Example 24. 《狼图腾》葛浩文英译本的翻译策略研究功能主义翻译视角 On Translation Strategies in Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Wolf Tote


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