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中国物流业现状与发展趋势 摘要 “物流”这一概念虽然早在改革开放初期便引进中国,但却经历长达20年来的踟蹰不前,推广不开。直到上世纪末才逐渐引起重视。长期以来,我国物流业的落后现状,难以满足经济社会发展对其需求,随着跨国公司的大批进入我国和跨国采购中心的纷纷来华落户,也对物流环境提出了新的要求,这就促使我国物流业的同步发展。近几年来,现代物流业的发展已被国家有关部门和地方政府提上议事日程,进入了全国和各地经济发展的总体战略。物流业作为国民经济的一个重要产业,作为一个新的经济运行方式,其发展气力巨大且前景光明,在今后的一段时期内,必将成为我国经济发展的新的生产力,成为全国各地方一个新的经济增长点。 Abstract The concept of logistics as early as the beginning of reform and opening up is introduced into China, but experience is 20 years not hesitate to move forward, promotion until the end of the last century began to pay attention to. Long-term since, the backward situation of Chinas logistics industry, it is difficult to meet the economic and social development of their needs, with the large number of Multi-National Corporation into China and transnational procurement have come to settle in, and puts forward new requirements for the logistics environment, synchronous development that makes the logistics industry in china. In recent years, the development of modern logistics industry has been the state departments and local governments put on the schedule, the overall strategy to enter the national and local economic development. The logistics industry as an important industry in the national economy, as a new mode of economic operation, its development potential and bright prospects, in the next period of time, will become Chinas economic development in the new productivity, has become a new economic growth point of the national and local. 关键词 现代物流 发展现状 发展趋势 Keywords modern logistics development trend 前言 经过60年的发展,我国物流业从无到有,从小到大,取得了令人瞩目的成就。然而随着我国经济的快速增长,如何优化资源配置,有效降低社会物资计划分配和运输成本已成为全社会广泛关注的焦点及亟待解决的问题。 进入新世纪,伴随着信息技术的迅猛发展和跨国公司的大举进入,现代物流开始在经济生活中推广应用,并引起了社会各界的广泛关注。由于全球一体化的进程日益加快,企业面临着更加激烈的竞争环境,资源在全球范围内的流动和配置大大加强。世界各国更加重视物流的发展,物流对于本国经济发展,国民生活素质的提高都有很大的影响。 通过分析现代物流的发展进行发展现状跟发展趋势的分析,了解中国物流业的发展现状和发展趋势。本方案对现代物流进行剖析更加接近现实,证明中国物流业的发展现状和发展趋势。 目录 一、中国物流业现状分析 2 1.1、物流发展的受重程度得到提高 3 1.2、物流基础设施条件和发展环境逐步完善和提高 3 1.3、物流市场进一步开放,竞争更加激烈 4 1.4、为电子商务提供服务的物流企业有了发展 4 1.5、物流管理逐步受到工商企业


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