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The countries all over the world take measures to ban youth from smoking china 上海市必威体育精装版版的《上海市未成年人保护条例(草案)》规定,经营烟草的店家应该在醒目位置,摆放不向未成年人销售香烟的标志,否则最高罚款可达500元 the latest edition of Shanghai minors protection ordinance (draft) regulates the shops in tobacco should put the sign of not selling cigarette for minors in marked position , or they will be fined of up to 500 yuan The u.s The United States bans setting cigarette sales machine in schools and students activity area 。 The sellers should be certained that customers are now over the age of 18. 美国规定,禁止学校和学生活动区域设置香烟售卖机。 卖烟者应查明顾客已确满18周岁。 russia The Russian government now also stops all the automatic machine working, because the machine fails to separate the age of customers and the law bans selling cigarettes to the minors under 18 years of age 俄国政府现在也停止了自动售烟机的工作,因为机器分不清顾客的年龄,而《禁止吸烟法》禁止向未满18岁的未成年人出售香烟。 german 德国:德国所有火车、公共汽车和出租车上禁烟;联邦政府各部门以及学校、医院、储蓄所等公共场所原则上也不许吸烟;各州餐馆必须对不吸烟的人提供保护;烟草销售的对象年龄由目前规定的16岁提高到18岁以上。截至目前,德国5600个火车站中已有2500个禁止吸烟。从2008年7月1日起,在德国16个州的酒吧和餐馆吸烟将被视为违法。 Germany: all German trains, buses and taxies ban smoking; The federal government departments and schools, hospitals, offices and other public places in principle also no smoking; States restaurants must not smoke to provide protection; The age of object of tobacco sales by the present provisions improves 16 to 18 years old or above . Up to now, Germany 5600 railway stations have banned smoking in 2500. From July 1, 2008, in Germanys 16 states smoking bars and restaurants will be illegal. singpore Singapore : regarding no smoking as the national rule from December 1, 1986 .The former prime minister lee guang yao who has 13 years of smoking swear it off State regulations that the smoker enter oneself for an examination the school will not be admitted, car drivers license will hang back. 新加坡: 从1986年12月1日起,将不吸烟作为国民守则,有13年烟龄的前总理李光耀戒了烟。国家规定,吸烟者报考学校将不予录取,汽车司机吊消执照。 canada The Canadian government regulations, 18 years old the following buy cigarettes belongs to i



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