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山东大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 设计(论文)题目:“越野车”农用车车体设计-----------越野农用车 姓 名 徐坤龙 学 院 机械工程学院 专 业 工业设计 年 级 2005级 指导教师 王震亚 2009年 5月 30 日 摘要 在设计的过程中要充分考虑设计的三的要素,结构.形式.精神。最终达到三者的完美融合同意,只有这样才能设计出优秀的产品。 工业设计发展的原动力在于人们对和谐(技术、文化、形象、人因、成本等各方面的统一)的不懈追求。这种追求是自发的,与生俱来的。正是这种对和谐的向往与追求,成为推动社会经济发展的强大动力。 工业设计所带来的,不仅是精神上的愉悦与享受,更重要的是,它可以改变人们的生活方式,工业设计是把预期目的和观念具体化、实体化的手段,是人们进行经济建设活动的先期过程。它的本质是人们对将要进行的经济建设活动作出艺术化的设想和筹划。 农机的设计同样促进了农业机械化的发展。越野农用车的设计主要体现在车体外形设计上,加入汽车设计的设计元素,以曲线设计为主,根据人机工程学,设计而出。 满足人们在应用拖拉机进行农业工作的同时,为人们提供外出交通是的方便,在车体外形上做到流畅,美观。从而不仅满足人们对功能的要求,而且满足人们在形式,精神上的要求。 关键词 车身造型设计 结构设计 功能 形式 精神 Abstract In the design process should give full consideration to the three elements of the design, structure. Form. Spirit. The ultimate goal of a perfect integration of the three agreed that the only way to excellence in product design. Industrial design is the driving force behind the development of a harmonious (technology, culture, image, people, the cost of the unification of all aspects of) the relentless pursuit. This pursuit is spontaneous, inborn. It is this yearning for harmony and the pursuit of socio-economic development has become a powerful driving force. Brought about by industrial design is not only the spirit of pleasure and enjoyment and, more importantly, it can change peoples way of life, industrial design is the purpose and the concept of specific entities of the means for economic development is pre-course activities. The essence of it is to be carried out on economic development activities in the arts of vision and planning. The design of the same machinery to promote the development of agricultural mechanization. Cross-country agricultural vehicle is designed for use mainly in the body design, car design by adding design elements to the design of the main curve, according to ergonomics, design out. Meet people in the use of tractors for agricultural work at the same time,


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