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Public Signs 请勿在此露营 camp 请勿在此烧烤 barbecue 请勿践踏草坪 tread on; lawn 请勿拍照 Data Bank Closed to All Traffic 禁止车辆通行 No Entry/Staff Only 请勿入内/游人止步 Quiet Please 请保持安静 No Spitting 请勿吐痰 Leave Bags Outside 勿带包入内 Don’t Lean Out of the Window 不要探头窗外 Is this the way to…? Where is…? How can / do I get to …? Can / could you tell me the way to …? Go straight/ ahead. It’s just around the corner. Turn right / left at the third turning. It is on the right beside/ next to … You can see it in front of you. Go on till you reach the end. Translate the following into Chinese. A:请问,你能告诉我去市政府的路吗?到那有近道儿吗? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the city government? Is there a shortcut to that place? B:对不起,我不是本地人。 Sorry, I’m new here myself. A: 谢谢。 Thank you all the same. 请问,去天福茶博物院该乘哪路车? Excuse me, which bus should I take if I want to go to Tenfu Tea Museum? 你可以乘坐201路,很方便。 You can take the No. 201 Bus. It’s very convenient. 那么,最近的201路站牌在哪里? Well, where is the nearest No.201 bus stop? 穿过马路,继续向前走,到第二个拐弯处向右拐,步行三分钟即到。 Cross the street, walk on and take the second turning on the right, it’s three minutes’ walk. 非常谢谢。 Ticket office; Japanese Tea House Thanks a lot. 不用谢。 Not at all. 穿过马路 cross the road, walk across the road 一直向前走go straight on/ walk on 十字路口 crossroads/ turning 在…对面 be opposite…/across from… 第3个路口右转 Turn right at the third crossroads Turn right when you come to the third turning Take the third crossroads on the right Practice * * 蔡晓玲 Oral English IV 英语口语培训四 问路与指路 No Camping No Barbecuing No Treading on the Lawns No Photos/Photography j) 免税商店 10) Duty Free Shop j i) 紧急出口 9) Check-in Counter h h) 登机手续台 8) Emergency Exit i g) 油漆未干 7) Crossroads d f) 请勿打扰 6) One Way Only a e) 请勿动手 5) Parking Lot c d) 交叉路口 4) Admission Free b c) 停车场 3) Wet Paint g b) 免费入场 2) Hands Off e a) 单行道 1) Do Not Disturb f Do


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