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Unit 7 On the farm Story time English name Monica Favourite colour 最喜欢的 black Favourite food Ice cream Favourite animal pigs、cows Favourite fruit apples、pears a pig pigs a cow cows an apple apples a pear pears a pig —— pigs a cow ——cows an apple ——apples a pear ——pears 注意名词的单复数形式。 英语名词有单数和复数之分。大多数名词后面加上“s”就变成了复数,如“apples”。有些名词后面要加上es才变成复数,如“box”的复数是“boxes”。在汉语中没有这种现象。我们在学习英语的时候要特别注意这一点 What’s this? It’s a pig. What are these? 这些是什么? They’re pigs. they’re = they are What’s that ? It’s a cow What are those? 那些是什么? They’re cows. Are these apples? 这些是苹果吗? Yes. They‘re apples. Are those apples,too? 那些也是苹果吗? No. they’re pears. farm 农场 on the farm 在农场 grandpa Welcome to my farm. Welcome to 欢迎来到 Watch the cartoon Q1:who are the boys? 男孩子们是谁? Q2:where are they? 他们在哪里? Q1:who are the boys? Q2:where are they? They’re Liu Tao and Mike. They’re on the farm. 小朋友们,你们听到什么了呢?请你找出来! cows pigs pears apples 注意名词的单复数形式。 英语名词有单数和复数之分。大多数名词后面加上“s”就变成了复数,如“apples”。有些名词后面要加上es才变成复数,如“box”的复数是“boxes”。在汉语中没有这种现象。我们在学习英语的时候要特别注意这一点。 同学们,让我们来体验一下读对话的快乐吧! Grandpa,this is Mike. Nice to meet you ,Mike. Welcome to my farm. Nice to meet you. 1.Read after the tape.跟读录音. (注意模仿正确的语音语调) What are these? They are pigs. What are those? They’re cows. Are these apples? Yes.They’re apples. Are those apples too? No. They’re pears. 2. Read in roles. (三人一组,分角色朗读) Grandpa,this is Mike. Nice to meet you ,Mike. Welcome to my______. Nice to meet you. farm 3.Try to retell together (试着复述故事) What are these? _____ are pigs. They What are ______? They’re cows. those Are these______? Yes.They’re ______. apples apples Are ______ _____ too? No. ______ _______. those apples They’re pears 角色体验 角色体验 现在你是爷爷,运用所学的句型: These are Those are 向我们介绍一下自己的农场吧。 角色体验 Homework Read the new words three times. 读新单词三遍 2.?Write the new words. 抄写新单词 3.?read after the tape。 跟读课文



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