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8A Unit8 Natural disasters? Reading (Ⅱ) 第三课时 Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: ●To infer the meaning from the key words, pictures and the context. ●To elicit any information about the earthquakes in Taiwan or in other partsof the world. Ability aims: ●To develop the students’ ability of reading and using English. ● let the students learn how to describe natural disasters and how to protect themselves in the natural disasters. ●To use the vocabulary and sentences related to natural disasters. Moral aims: ●To generate ideas about earthquake. ●.To educate the students to care for our home town and try to protect it well in our daily life. Difficult points: To grasp the language points in the text. To develop the students’ ability of reading. To understand the object clause. To recite the whole text. Teaching? procedures: Part One 预习作业预习交流 1. Check out the prepared work. 一、在课文中找出下列词组 1.起初. 2.最后3.一点轻微的震动传遍全身4.像打雷般很大的声音6.向四面八方跑开.玻璃和砖头的碎片.倒下来 . 开始摇晃 10.自言自语11.一阵恐惧12.大声呼救13.找到出去的路 14.听到兴奋的欢呼声.把转头和石块移开… 17.镇定下来 18.经过我的脑海 19.活着 20. 跑出大楼____________________________ (设计意图:通过对短语的预习,让学生先行掌握部分语言点,为下面的课堂奠定基础。) Part Two 交流展示点拨提高 Step1 revision 1. Revise the names of natural disasters. 2. Show the students the photos of the story of Taiwan earthquake and help them to retell it. 3. Reading Get the students to read the article and make lists of words and phrases used in the text that describe noise and movement , fear and hope Such as : noise : big noise ,thunder , screamed , real noise , bombs ,shouted movement : slight shaking, earth started to shake, run in all directions , pieces of glass and bricks fell down, walls began to come down . fear : screamed, frightened, dark, a moment of fear hope: stay alive, enough space, shouts from excited people Step2? Deal with some language points Scan each paragraph and encou


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