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A snowstorm hit Beijing this week. Sandy wants to write an article about the storm. She made some notes before writing. Let’s take a look at her notes first. I stayed at Millie’s home that night. I heard the noise of (9)_________ the next morning. People were trying to (10)_________the snow from the streets. How to write an article about a natural disaster. 4. What happened ? (1) be trapped/be frightened (2) lost my umbrella (3) walked/drove/rode…slowly/hard (4) fall down/over (5) crashed into… 5. How did you feel? (1) frightened/excited/terrible/in fear/worried/sad… (2) screamed/shouted/calmed down… 1. Recite the article. 2. Finish the exercises in your exercise book. * * Unit 8 Natural disasters Task 学习目标 1.知识目标: 学习词汇:nearly 学习词组:share … with…, Keep falling, nearly fall over, clear the snow, come from behind 学习句子:I was sleeping when I started to rain. 学习目标 2.技能目标: 学习在写作中陈述事实性信息。 学会通过列要点来构思文章。 尝试写一篇有关自然灾害的文章。 3.情感目标:了解自然灾害给人类带来的灾难之后,明白我们应该保护自然环境,珍惜自然。 A natural disaster A snowstorm When: Friday, 5 January What: snowstorm hit Beijing Sandy’s Notes I was doing my homework in the classroom when Mr Wu came in and told us to go home early. I shared an umbrella with Millie. The snowstorm was terrible. The snow kept falling. I could hear the wind blowing. I lost my umbrella in the wind. I nearly fell over. Many people were waiting at the bus stop. During the storm: I stayed at Millie’s home. I heard the noise of traffic the next morning. People were trying to clear the snow from the streets. After the storm: A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5 January. I was doing my (1)__________ in the classroom when Mr Wu came in and told us to (2)_________________. My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow, so Millie asked me to go to her home. I (3)_________ an umbrella with her while we were walking to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. The (4)_______ kept falling around us. We could hear the (5)


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