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现在完成时的构成 助动词have (has)+ 过去分词 move live love like 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词: visit repair watch finish visited visited repaired repaired watched watched finished finished moved moved lived lived loved loved liked liked verb+ed 以e结尾+d 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词: stop mop trap plan stopped stopped mopped mopped trapped trapped planned planned 注:以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母+ed 双写+ed study hurry studied studied hurried hurried 去y+ied 注:以辅音字母加y结尾的词,去y+ied. 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词: be give see make put come write was/were been gave given saw seen made made put put came come wrote written 注:不规则动词见书上122页不规则动词表. 现在完成时的主要用法 一.表示从过去某一时刻开始并一直延续到现在的动作或事情。 上一页 下一页 People have had trains since 1909. Mr Chen has lived here since then. I have known Sandy for two years. since 和for: 1) Eddie has lived with Millie since 2001. Eddie has lived with Millie since 4 years ago. Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. 小结:since + 时间点 ( 词、词组或句子) 2) Eddie has lived with Millie for four years. 小结:for + 时间段 3) 对以上句子划线部分提问: How long has Eddie lived with Millie? We have learned English ______ Grade Three in primary school. We have learned English _______ five years. 2.He hasn’t felt well ________ last night. Has he seen the doctor? 3. I have read this story book _______ three days ago. I haven’t finished reading it yet. 选用since 或for 填空: since for since since 4. It has snowed ______ two days. Everything is covered with snow. 5. We have cleaned the classroom ______ half an hour. 6. We have studied at this school ____ 2003. for for since 选用 for和 since填空: 1.We haven’t seen each other ______ a long time. 2.His father has been in the Party ______ 10 years ago. 3.The film has been on ______ 20 minutes. 4.Mr Green has worked here ______ he came to China. 5.His grandparents have been dead ______ several years. 6. It’s five years _______ we met last time. for since for since for since 下一页


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