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13.prove用作及物动词, 作“证明”、“证实”, 主要用于下列句型: 1. prove + 名词或代词 You have proved your courage in the battle. 你已在战场上证明了你的勇气。 The facts prove the truth of his words. ?事实证明他的话是真的。 2. prove + 宾语 + 宾语补足语, 作宾语补足语的通常有形容词、 名词、 动词不定式、 介词短语等。to be通常可以省略。如: Time will prove me (to be) right. 时间会证明我是对的。 One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad. 做一件疯事并不足以证明一个人就是疯子。(谚语) Facts have proved these worries (to be) unnecessary. 事实证明这些担心是不必要的。 Again history proved him (to be) wrong. 历史再次证明他错 3. prove sth. to sb., 需要注意的是to sb.是介词短语, 在这儿作状语,而不是间接宾语后置。如: The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas ?to other scientists. 困难在于他怎样向其他科学家证实他的想法。 4. prove + 宾语从句 The doctor’s tests proved that Black was ?in good health. 医生的检查证明了布莱克身体健康。 I can prove that he never tells a lie. 我能证明他从不说谎。 The president’s new victory in the Senate proved to foreign observers that his economic programme had the support of the public. 总统在参议院所取得的新胜利向外国观察家们证明,公众拥护他的经济计划。 二、 用作连系动词,意思是“原来是”、“结果是”、“证明是”, 后常接形容词、名词、不定式或介词短语作表语,to be常常省略。 The rumour proved (to be) false. 这个传闻原来是假的。 These methods have proved quite effective. 这些办法证明是很有成效的。 He proved (to be) an honest man. 后来证明他是一个诚实的人。 1.比其他孩子小很多 2. 上初/高中 3. 参加…的选拔 4.被拒绝参赛 5.灰心 6.得了20分 7.从那时起 8.坐在看台上 9.接着成为队伍的领导 10.邀请他打篮球 much smaller than other kids attend junior/senior school be refused to play lose one’s heart score 20 points from then on sit in the stands go on to become the leader of the team invite him to play basketball 11.带领队伍进入锦标赛 12.把他带入…的注意力内 13.成功的获得奖学金 14.对…感兴趣 15.被迫在另一个篮球社团打球 16.仍然留在那一年 17.注意他… 18.成为那个时候最矮的运动员 19.取得很多显著的成就 20.最令人自豪的时刻 21.通过努力 lead the team to the national championship bring him to the attention of… succeed in getting a scholarship be interested in… be forced to play in another basketball league


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