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Language points run into 偶然碰到,遇到 come across /run across I ran into them on my way home. b. 遇到,陷入(困难、危险、债务) run into danger/ trouble/ difficulties/ debt c. 达到(某种水平或数量) His income has run into six figures. d. 撞到 The bus got out of control and ran into a tree. 2. step up 加紧,增加,提高(数量、速度等) step up production to meet the demands step up one’s pace/ efforts/ training n. step by step 一步一步的 take steps to do sth 采取措施 3. search n. /v. search (spl) for sb/ sth 搜寻,寻找 search the town for the murderer search one’s memory b. search the murderer 搜身 c. in search of sb/ sth 追求,寻找 He walked through the desert in search of the camel. d. in one’s / the / a search for The local people were searching for a lost child. =in search of a lost child. =in their search for a lost child. 4. go linking v. 变得 go 一般用于表示消极意义的变化。 go hungry/mad/wrong/bad/pale/ blind/sour/gray b. go还可以与否定的过去分词连用,表示某动作未发生。 go unpunished/ unreported/ unnoticed 未被惩罚、报告、注意 Police are worried that many crimes go unreported. go 和turn 都可以表示颜色的变化。 turn可用于表示天气的变化。 turn blue/ red/ cold turn 到达、超过(某一时间、年龄) It’s turned midnight. He has not yet turned fifty. 5. due adj. due to 因为,由于 The flight was put off due to the bad weather. b. 预期的,预计;应到的 The plane is due in five minutes. I’m due to graduate next year. c. 适当的 After due consideration , he decided to accept the position. 6. Witness a. 目击者,证人 be (a) witness to sth He was a witness to the terrible murder. b. 目击,亲眼看到 Did you witness the robbery? c. 见证 The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary. d. give witness 作证 7. put on Do you mind if I put some music on? 播放 They will put on a new play next week. 上演 It’s cold outside. Put on your coat.  穿上 She looks like she is putting on weight. 增加 Put on the TV, please. I want to watch it. 使运转,开动 8. 倒装句 Sitting/ seated at the back of the room was a shy girl with big eyes


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