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高一英语定语从句基础练习(1) 合并下列简单句 The man is a doctor. He lives opposite our house. This is the house. He was born in it. Do you know the man ? He is talking to your teacher. This is the film star. His name is well known all over the world Is this the letter? I have to type it right now. He is the man. I gave the letter to him. That is the very book. I am looking for it. The story happened in 1840. The Opium War broke out that year. Have you ever visited the house? Norman Bethune once lived in it. This is the factory. It makes good quality machine. That is the reason. He was ill for the reason last week. He is the doctor. He opearated on me. He said nothing. It made me very angry. Shell never forget the day. That day she joined the League. The parents wouldnt let her marry anyone . His family was poor. The news was surprising. He told us the news. We havent chosen a hotel. We will stay in it for the night. May I borrow the book? You bought it yesterday. That is the room. Its door needs painting. He will visit the school in 2009. It was built in 1900. 高一英语定语从句基础练习(2) I.请找出下列各句中的错误并加以改正。 1.I’m using the pen which he bought it yesterday. 2. Is that factory which your father once worked in? 3. The man whom I spoke is from Canada. 4. July 1,1999 is the day when we’ll never forget.5. I still remember the holidays I stayed with them. 6. I抦 going to work in the hospital where needs me. 7. Those that haven抰 been to the West Lake will gather at the school gate. 8. I don抰 like the way which you talked to your friend. 9.This is the last time when I抳e given you lessons. 10. Soon they came to a farm house,and in front of which sat a small boy. 11. We heard the news which our team won the game. 12. The reason which he explained it sounds reasonable. 13. Those at the desk want to buy tickets write down your names. 14. That was the reason because she looked old. 15. This is the factory where we visited last week. 16. This is the watch for which Tom is looking. 17. The person to


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