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M1U2 Growing Pains 【学习目标】 Try to remember all of the words freely Use some of words ,phrases and structure in sentences 【预习反馈】 根据本单元reading 在下面短文空格中填入所缺单词(每空一词) Mom and Dad were on vacation, (1) l_______ their two sons Daniel and Eric in (2) c______ of the family. To the two sons’ surprise, their parents had arrived back from vacation a day earlier than (3) e________. Looking around the room which was in a (4) m_____, Mom and Dad got very angry. Before Daniel could explain, Dad shouted at him, saying he couldn’t trust him and he would punish him for his bad (5) b________. Daniel couldn’t (6) t_______ it, ran into his bedroom and slammed the door. In their bedroom, Eric sat on his bed looking at Daniel, who had his arms (7) c_______ and looked (8) u_____________. Eric felt it was necessary to tell their parents the truth, but Daniel thought it was (9) u________ not to give him a chance to explain so they didn’t (10) d_______ to know the truth that they had spent all the money taking the dog to the clinic. 【课堂探究】 Activity 1 Practice some tested points 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词) We should pay attention to both of our __________(身体的) and mental health . Hearing the news that our team had lost the game, all of us __________(叹气) and felt like crying. No one could ___________(容忍) being spoken like that. This is probably the biggest ___________(挑战) in her life. Tom __________(值得) the gold medal in the competition as he had made so many efforts. Keeping calm is the most important thing you should remember when you are faced with an e__________ . Finding a wallet on the ground, he b __________ down and picked it up. In group discussion, students are encouraged to d__________ their ideas that may be questioned. Tourists are f__________ to swim in the river, for the water flows swiftly. Young as he was the manager h__________ the matter very well.[来源:学#科#网] 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空和动词适当形式填空。 A. 1. You have to give us a clear __________ and let us know why you bor



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