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折桂中学7B Unit 2英语教案 主备课人:倪桂英 教者: 总课题 7B Unit2 Neighbours 总课时 7 第1课时 课题 Comic strip Welcome to the unit 课型 新授 教学目标 知识目标:了解各种职业及工作场所的名称 能力目标: 能用简单的英语谈论自己所居住的社区 情感目标: 教学重点 1.Where are you going? 2. I’m going to visit our new neighbours. 教学过程 教 学 内 容 自主个案 预习导学 词组翻译:1. 拜访我们的新邻居____________ 2. 在城市花园_______________ 3. 在第九大街____________________ 4. 在你们街区________________ 5. 他们中的绝大多数__________ 6. 在你们街区周围______________ 7. 互相帮助_____________ 8. 欢迎像你这样的客人______________ 9. 害怕,担心_______________ 10. 住在像那样的街区是很棒的 ____________ 教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision Talk about our neighbourhoods Qs: Where do you live? What kind of home do you have? What’s around your home? Is your home near a park / a school / a restaurant / a supermarket? Is there a shop / a cinema / a museum near your home? 鼓励学生根据实际情况回答,对能力较强的学生还可以鼓励他们进行较详细的介绍 Step3 Lead---in 1 教师与学生就居住坏境进行进一步交流,呈现新知识: T: Who lives next to your flat / house? Who lives above / below you ? Who is your neighbour? What’s his / her neighbour? What does he / she do? 2. 利用图片向学生呈现各种职业 Step 4 Practise Model: T: Who’s your neighbour? S: --- is my neighbour. T: What’s your neighbour? / What does your neighbour do? S: He / She is---. T: Where does he / she work? S: He / She works in--- Step 5 Learn B I. Listen and answer these questions: Where’s Simon’s flat? How many buildings are there in his neighbourhood? How many floors do the buildings have? What does Simon have around his neighbourhood? What does Simon think of his neighbourhood? II. 模仿B,根据自己的实际情况编对话 Comic strip Step I 呈现 Listen and answer the questions Look at Hobo. He’s in a hurry. Where’s Hobo going? What does Eddie do when he visits his neighbours? Step II Practise Step III Presentation and discussion Do you think Eddie’s new neighbours welcome him? Why or why not? If you have a neighbour like Eddie, do you welcome him? Homework: Finish 《导学案》第1课时 Preview Reading 课堂检测 I. 根据所给的提示完成下列单词。 1.There are many tall b__


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