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模块九必备系列一 -20oC minus twenty degrees centigrade defend vt. defend sb from/against eg. All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. defence n. in defence of 为…辩护,保护…不受…伤害3. freezing adj. 冷的 → (反义) burning 灼热的 adv. reezing cold 极冷的 freezing cold 冰点 frozen 冷冻的 be frozen with… 因…而吓呆,惊呆4. be fond of sth/doing 5. locate v. 使…坐落于… be located in 位于 (lie in) location n. 位置6. be called…for short be short for… 是…的缩写7. mix n. 混合 v. mix A with/and B mix sth up 弄乱 mixture 混合物8. be home to 为…的所在地9. a sheet of… 一大片,一大堆…10. enthusiast of/for sth 爱好者 enthusiasm (for) n. 热忱 enthusiastic adj. be ~ about sth11. permanent adj. 永恒的,持久的 → (反义) temporary 临时的 impermanent12. immigrate v. ~ to…from… 从…移民到… immigration n (不可数)13. cater to sb 迎合,满足需要 appeal to sb 对…有吸引力,引起…兴趣14. owing to… 由于… due to… thanks to… owe sb sth/we sth to sb 欠(债)(人情) owe…to… 归因于,归功于 owe sb sth He owes his success to hard work. 15. compromise n. reach a ~ 达成妥协 v. ~ with sb on sth 和…妥协 16. be bound to do sth 必定会…/必然会…17. put/set…aside 将…抛一旁18. preference have a preference for… 对…偏爱,爱好 in preference to sb/sth = rather than 而不是19. occupy 占据(空间,面积,时间)take up occupy oneself in doing sth 忙于… with sth20. liberty n. 自由 the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 liberation 解放21. security n. 安全 Due to security concerns, after ,visitors aren’t allowed to climb… secure adj. 有把握 feel secure about…22. fill out/in 填写23. strengths and weakness 优缺点 weaken 使…减弱 / the weak 弱者 devote v. devote oneself to… be devoted to… 致力于… devotion n. devotion to sb/sth 对…的关爱,热衷,奉献25. contents


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