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Shopping expressions Present continuous tense 现在进行时 We use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now. 我们使用现在进行时谈论现在正在发生的事情. A: ___________? B: Yes, I’d like to buy some apples.___________? A: Five yuan a kilo. B: Oh, that’s too expensive. ____________. A : There’s a discount on these ones. B: No, thanks. What about these oranges? How much are they? A: __________. B: I want two kilos. A: __________. B: Thank you. Here is the money. A: Thanks, bye. Exercise 1 Words 1. There are many kinds of s__________ (贴纸) in the shop. 2. There is a d_______ (折扣) on last year’s cards. 3. The hair clip m________ (相配) her favourite T-shirt. 4. I don’t have e_________ (足够的) money to buy her a CD. tickers iscount atches nough Exercise 2 Finish the conversation D B A C E * * 7A Unit 5 Revision It’s your friend’s birthday soon, what present will you buy? I want to buy… 趣味操练活动名称一 活动参考文字图片 a shopping mall many kinds of things shopkeeper Can I help you ? / What can I do for you ? How much does it cost ? It costs … . ¥5 How much do they cost? They cost… . ¥5 A: Can I help you ? B: Yes, I am looking for a hair clip. Oh, how much does that one cost? A: It costs ¥5 . ¥15 ¥10 ¥50 ¥60 A: Can I help you ? B: Yes, I am looking for a …. How much does that one cost? A: It costs ¥5 . ¥500,000 quite expensive I don’t have enough money to buy it. Sun Jihai Made in 2007 Fan Zhiyi Made in 2006 ¥ 10 ¥ 10 There’s a discount on last year’s cards. My cousin’s hat matches her sweater. She looks pretty. Read aloud! match shopkeeper discount cost quite expensive enough prettty Pretty, pretty, hair clips Match, match, her dress Quite, quite, expensive Discount, discount, on cards! you shopkeeper They cost/They’re… (购物用语) Hello, can I help you? I’m looking for … Yes, just a minute. Take a look. How much does it cost? How much is it? It costs/It is… How much do they cost/are they? OK. I’ll buy… Can


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