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the biggest movie event of the year Let’s enter the fantastic magic film world. Task-based reading 1 Read the first sentence of each paragraph to find out the structure of the passage. Host Task-based reading 2 Read the first paragraph, design your questions and ask questions to each other as many as possible. Task-based reading 3 Read paragraph 2 to 6 and find out the main features of two festivals. Task-based reading 4 Read the rest of the passage in groups and fill in the table with the given information below. 1.This transcript is mainly written _________. A. to tell people about the Cannes Film Festival B. to introduce the Venice Film Festival C. to help people know which is the most important film festival around the world D. to introduce some important film festivals around the world Directions: (1) use what we learned from the six festivals to design our own festival For example name: ______________________ time : ______________________ theme: ______________________ features :____________________ financial support:_________________ outlook: _________________________... (2) choose a spokesman (3) present to the class Writing : 南京大学附属中学在儿童节到来之际,创办一电影节,请为该电影节拟一份海报,要点如下: 1、名称:南大附中首届电影节 2、本次电影节创办的目的和意义:(丰富校园文化,娱乐师生的身心,弘扬师生的风采……) 3、参赛方式:欢迎任何个人或集体为单位的作品。 4、参赛的时间、地点…… 5 、赞助商:丁祖饴、刘先林、南大、双菱涂料等 * Important film events around the world Module 8 Unit 4 Reading Oscar the world’s best-known film festival Oscar, Best film award Best director award some kinds of award the Oscar Award awards Best Film Award (最佳影片奖) Best Performance Award (最佳表演奖) Best Director Award (最佳导演奖) Best Screenplay Award (最佳剧本奖) Best Cinematography Award (最佳摄影奖) Best Sound Award (最佳音响奖) Best Score Award (最佳音乐奖) Best Art Direction-set Decoration Award (最佳美工奖) Maria kathy Isabel Hanz Mike Xuli Part I Part II the Cannes Film Festival France the Berlin International Film Festival the Sundance Film Festival the Venice Film Festival Italy


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