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fall down: The plan fell down because it proved to be too expensive. (4) When it comes to ads, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them! 1.________________ politics, I know nothing.(当谈到政治的时候) 2._______________ he is really an expert in the field.(当谈到修车的时候) * Unit 1 Reading Advertisements period 2 Language items Nowadays, we can find ads almost wherever we go. We are so _____to them. This video is a __________ advertisement, which uses words and pictures to _________people to buy Iphone4s and _______in the idea that it is the best product.However,we must be ______of the skilful methods used in ads. Even if an ad doesn’t lie,it doesn’t mean it is ________.We must not ____for this kind of trick! Video 1 Lead in used commercial persuade believe aware innocent fall Video 2 Not all ads play _____on us though. The second video is a ____________ advertisement, which is run for free, and is _____ to encourage us to take actions to protect our earth. Our government has been using _____ to educate people for many years. When it _____ to ads, we must all use our intelligence and not be a _____ to them! tricks public service meant PSAs comes slave CAs Advertisements PSAs persuade believe in innocent newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio, TV be used to be aware of fall for play tricks on be meant to educate 周惠 花之韵 play tricks on 翟乐萌 Ambulance fall for 吴黛雅 Zero innocent 纪湘雨 来火的青春 be aware of 黄乐达 Mountaintop be meant to 曾森垚 复仇者联盟 persuade believe in 高萱 Beyond be used to Group Leader Group Name Language items 高萱 Beyond be used to Group Leader Group Name Language items Consolidation: Ex: The new machine _____production. However I_____it. A. is used to increase; am not used to controlling B. is used to increasing; don’t used to control C. used to increase; don’t used to control D. used to increasing; am not used to control 曾森垚 复仇者联盟 persuade believe in Group Leader Group Name Language items Consolidation: Pra


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