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* Our aim in teaching grammar should be to ensure that students are communicatively efficient with the grammar they have at their level…we should make sure they can use what they know.(Harmer, 1994) (一)架构语法体系 (二)语法复习中落实分层教学,实施分层的教学评价。 (三)以多元化的方式讲解,强化基础,提升能力。 (四)改进语法练习的方式。 冠、代、介 虚词 副词:(对比状语从句的句法功能) 形容词:(对比定语从句的句法功能) 名词:(对比名词性从句的句法功能) 非谓语动词 谓语动词:时态、语态、情态动词、虚拟语气、动词词组 动词 实词 特殊句式 状语从句: (副词词性) 名词性从句: (名词词性) 复合句 定语从句: (形容词性) 简单句和并列句:主、谓、宾、补、状、连 语法 句法 词法 祝愿句 形容词:上述动词的形容词派生及strange,natural, urgent等 名词:上述动词的名词派生及a shame, a pity等 动词:recommend, order, suggest等 词的虚拟语气 例如:if only, wish, rather than等 7大句型的虚拟语气 without; but for; but; or; or else; otherwise等 should/ were/ had的倒装 省略if的虚拟语气句 错综时间虚拟句 与将来事实相反 与现在事实相反 与过去事实相反 If 的虚拟语气 虚拟语气 My English name is ___________. I met and fell in love with my husband in a ___________(burn) hot summer. My lovely son was born in July, ________(add) to my delight. The origin of my English name is ____________ (interest). I find myself ____________(benefit) a lot from summer vacation as it is the only time that I can stay with my family. interesting burning adding benefiting (Predicative表语) (Attributive定语) (Adverbial状语) (Object complement 宾补) Summer Dear LiNa, I’m sorry to hear the disappointed news about your retirement from tennis. But being troubled by injuries, you really can’t continue the games. So retirement at the top of your career may be a wise decision basing on the situation. As a young woman, I feel inspiring by your letter. Devoted yourself to tennis, you’ve set a good example for women in China. I can’t agree with you more that we should have our goals set high and achieved them with self-belief. We are no different from men. Wish you every success in your life, my devoting idol! From a young woman as well as your fan. disappointing based achieved devoted troubled inspired 一轮复习: 以考纲为目标,做到轻重有别。 对于知识点应做拉网式总结,而且应注意编织知识网络。 我们应当努力把知识转化为能力,只有能力才是百考不倒的。 能力是知识运用的熟练成度,它的着重点在“运用”,所以能力的形成离不开实践。 *


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