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高一英语任务型阅读专项训练 (五) It’s never too late to right your wrongs, big or small. Working as hard as I had been over the years, I had become disconnected from(失去联系的)the people who mattered most to me. I decided to spend a year reconnecting with my friends and relatives and making amends(补偿). I devoted myself to caring for what I called “my unfinished business”, which has helped me become a more attentive husband, father, son and friend —and a happier, more energetic person. Now that I’ve had a good opportunity to revisit my past mistakes?and experience the rewards of fixing them?I’d like to share some of the lessons I have learned: Have you lost touch with people who were important to you? Are there things you’ve done or not done that are in front of you? Are there people in your life you don’t know how much they meant to you? List your unfinished business and take action to deal with it. Instead of trying to put an end to the cold war dividing your family, begin with a small thing you can control. Apologize to your brother for not attending his Super Bowl party. Respond to an e-mail you should have answered a week ago. Write a note or make a call. No matter what the wrong is, the most important thing in making it right is your sincerity. If you reach out with a genuine (真诚的)heart, your friends will be glad to hear from you again. This is the key to learning and growing. Keep a journal, or summarize what you’ve learned in e-mails to friends. The difficulty we face in dealing with our unfinished business can seem impossibly big, but the first step to clearing them can be simple: Again, write a note or make a phone call .Once you discover your fears and get over them, you’ll become a more complete and pleased person. Topic: 1 ______too late to right your wrongs Introduction Have you been disconnected from the people who mattered most to you just because of your hard 2__________? Here are some of the 3__________ I have learned. 4__________ Think back to your life Make a


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