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Unit2 Good habits 1.have many good habits 有许多好习惯 2. some bad habits 一些坏习惯 3. try to form good learning habits 养成良好的学习习惯 4. get up early /late 起床早/晚 5. go to bed early / late 睡觉早/晚 6. never go to bed late 从不晚睡觉 7. brush one’s teeth (my/your/his/her/our/their) 刷某人的牙 8. finish one’s homework (my/your/his/her/our/their) 完成某人的家作 9. do one’s homework (my/your/his/her/our/their) 做某人的家作 10. put…in order 把……整理得井井有条 11. put his things in order 把他的东西整理得井井有条 12. before bedtime 睡觉前 13. after dinner 晚饭后 14. listen to his teachers 听他的老师们说 15. listen to me/ you /him/her/us/them 听我/你/他/她/我们/他们说 16. keep his room clean and tidy 保持他的房间干净而整齐 17. feel sleepy in the morning 早晨感到困 18. know …well 很了解某人 19. know me / you /him/her/us/them well 很了解我/你/他/她/我们/他们 20. last night/yesterday evening 昨夜 21. have breakfast on time 按时吃早饭 22. help your parents at home 在家帮助你的双亲 23. pick one 挑选一张 24. four short horses 四匹矮马 25. run through the grass 跑过草地 26. run very fast/slowly 跑得很快/慢 27. wash one’s face at seven o’clock 七点洗脸 28. come to see her 来看望她 29. show …around… 带……参观 30. show you around our house 带你参观我们的马 31. go into the living room 走进客厅 32. big and clean 又大又干净 33. small and nice 又小又好看 34. see a lot of toys on the floor 看见许多玩具在地板上 35. put your books and toys in order 把你的书和玩具整理得井井有条 36. under/behind the bed 在床下面/后面 37. do well/ badly 做得好/坏 38. walk fast/slowly 走得快/慢 39. sing well/badly 唱得好/差 40. go to school early/ late 上学早/晚 41 .get up at six thirty in the morning 早晨七点半起床 一、四会单词 1.habit 习惯 2.never 从不 3.late 迟到,晚到 4.finish 完成 5.tidy 干净的,整齐的 6.fast快 二、三会单词 1. bad 不好的,坏的 2. sleepy 困的,困倦的 3.slowly 慢速地 4.badly 差地,不好 三、词组 1.a good boy一个好男孩 2.many good habits 许多好的习惯 3.get up early 起床早 4.go to bed late 睡觉迟 5.brush one’s teeth 刷牙 6.before bedtime 睡觉前 7.at home 在家里 8.put ……in order把……整理得井井有条 9.finish


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