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3A Unit 6 Colours 教学内容 译林版小学英语3A Unit 6 Colours (Cartoon time) 教学目标 理解和掌握词汇:egg, 理解和掌握句型:Would you like….?Yes,please. 理解cartoon time 故事内容,体会各人物心理并用正确的语调朗读并表演故事。 三、教学重点、难点 重点:理解并掌握句子:Would you like …..?Yes,please. 难点:理解cartoon time 故事内容,体会各人物心理并用正确的语调朗读并表演故事。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件,单词卡片等 五、教学过程 Step 1:Warm up 1,Sing a songColour song 2,Clothes Show T:Wow, you are wearing so beautiful clothes today.Would you like to show it out? I want to show first.(教师作示范) (音乐起) Ss(伴着音乐)Look at my…. It’s ….. 3. Review 教师和学生谈论生活中物品的颜色 T: Your clothes are so colourful. Colours are around us. Look. What is blue? What is …? Step2 Cartoon time 1. Lead in 出示cartoon time最后一幅图,引导学生思考:What is red, yellow,… 学生大胆猜测 2. Try to understand. 1) Watch and answer Q1:What has so many colours? S: Egg.(教授egg) Q2: Where do they go and what are they doing? Ss: At the egg shop and buy an egg. 2)学语言 Q3: How do you know they want to buy eggs? a. 学生看图,听故事后回答 b. 多次听录音学生复数,教师教说Would you like an egg? c. 教师引导学生观察图片中Bobby的表情Bobby very would like, so he says学生在书中寻找答案---教师引导学生模仿Bobby的表情和语气练习:Yes,please. (1),Read after the tape(1) T:Now,children,let’s read after the tape. (2),Read after the teacher(1) (3)Read by yourselves(1) (4),Read together(1) (5),Let’s dub(5) T:Dubbing time,I want to dub for Sam,who can dub for Bobby?Who can dub for Mr Rooster? Now,I want to be Bobby,Boys ,you are Mr Rooster.Girls,you are Sam. T:You are good at dubbing ,I think. (6),Act in groups T:Now act in groups. (G1,G2)(注意表情,语调指导) 7Easter文化拓展 T:I think Bobby must be very happy now.(出图)But,why are they so confused? S.。。 T:Oh,do you know why they are in different colours? Because they are the Easter eggs. Do you know Easter? I’ll show you. (播放图片音频) T:Wow,Easter is so interesting.Do you know it now? I think Sam and Bobby won’t be confused about the easter egg. 1,T:If you are Bobby ,what colour of egg would you like ?(2) S1S2 T:How about their choices?Let’s listen. (播放音频) T:Colours are meaningful. now,what colour do you like? S1S2, Step3,


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