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高二英语 M6 U1 重要短语和句型 I. 短语 1. be good for / do good to / be beneficial to / be of benefit to / benefit 对…有好处 2. stand up for your health 欣赏单口喜剧,促进身心健康 3. talk straight to audience members 直接与观众交流 4. tease / make jokes about / play jokes on / make fun of an audience member 拿一位观众开玩笑 5. depend on / rely on / count on 依赖;依靠 6. react to / respond to / in response to 对…做出反应、回应 7. a wide variety of / wide varieties of 各种各样的 8. tell jokes about 讲有关…的笑话 9. queue up排队 10. point to 指着 / point at 指向 / point out指出 11. trip over chairs 被椅子绊倒 12. fall down on stage摔倒在舞台上 13.have a sense of humor很幽默 14. do an impression of sb.滑稽模仿某人 15. have (an) affection for 喜爱;钟爱 16. later on后来;过些时候 17. go on to do sth. / move on to doing sth.继续做(另一件事) 18. host the Academy Awards 主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼 19. be broadcast live on TV在电视上现场直播 20. one little-known fact一个鲜为人知的事实 21. come up with a new idea想出一个新点子 22. make up编造;组成,构成;化妆;弥补;和好 23. get one’s start 开始;起家 24. howl with laughter哄堂大笑 25. be popular with / among在…中受欢迎 26. have the ability to do sth. / be capable of doing sth. 有能力做… 27. follow (in) the footsteps of sb. / follow (in) sb.’s footsteps 效仿某人 28. live to be 100 years old活到100岁 29. stay healthy / keep healthy / keep fit保持健康 30. fight pain战胜疼痛 31. disappear from view从视野中消失 32. pass away 去世 33. work out / take exercise / exercise锻炼 34. participate in / take part in参加 35. drive away your negative feelings将消极情绪赶走 36. be energetic / be full of energy 精力充沛 37. instruct sb. in sth. / teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 38. polish (up) one’s skill 提高某人的技能 39. take on 接收,接纳;呈现;承担;雇佣 40. in pairs 成对的;两人一组的 41. pu on上演,演出;穿上,穿戴;播放(唱片);增加 42. join sb. in (doing) sth.跟某人一起做… 43. look annoyed看上去很恼火 44. make room for给…腾地方 45. be crowded with / be filled with / be full of挤满 46.a pile of / piles of大量;一大堆 47. dash out 冲出去;匆忙离去 48. tear the paper in two 将报纸撕成两半 / tear town 拆除;拆毁 / tear yourself away from 忍痛离开;依依不舍的离开 49. hold out a roll of toilet paper拿出一卷卫生纸 50. present sb. with sth. / present sth. to sb.向某人呈递某物;授予某人某物 51. burst i


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