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Let’s chant. Spring, spring, butterflies hide from showers. Summer, summer, near the stream, eat ice cream. Autumn, autumn, harvest crops, temperature drops. Winter, winter, full of snow, forget to grow. Enjoy the poem Winter days are full of , When trees and flowers forget to , And the birds fly far To find a warm and sunny . The days of spring are windy and . What a perfect time to fly a ! Bees and butterflies play among , Then hide from the April . Those sweet memories of summer Are about quiet streams and trees and , And lazy afternoons by a , Eating ice cream to feel . Then autumn leaves turn , Fall into piles upon the . Farmers work to harvest , As the days are shorter and the temperature . Soon the snowy season will , And it will be a new year once . Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day. The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers, Then hide from the April showers. Homework Read and recite the poem. Try to write a poem about your favourite season. * How many seasons are there in a year? Which season do you like best? Why? Each season has its own beauty. Winter days are full of snow. Trees and flowers forget to grow. temperature /e/ /e/ drop /D/ The s in winter. play among flowers. 在花丛中 butterflies /v/ /e/ /ai/ Bees and April showers. /au?/ They hide from the ice cream swimming pool sweet memories of summer days /e/ /e/ 回忆 We like to play by quiet streams or under the shade of trees. stream 小溪 /i:/ shade 树荫 /ei/


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