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Section B1_432910

Do you have any problems in learning English? * * * 九年级全一册 Section B Period One pronounce increase partner speed v. 发音 v. 增加;增长 n. 搭档;同伴 n. 速度 Words Review Questions Lead-in 1 A: I can’t catch the meaning of the lines in some films. B: I’m shy and can’t speak to foreigners. C: I’m nervous when I want to speak to someone. D: I can’t remember the words. Do you know Li Yang? Do you know Crazy English? What is the most important thing in learning English in your opinion? Now let’s watch a video clip to get Li Yang’s opinion. Lead-in 2 To list out your difficulties in learning English To talk about challenges and solutions in learning English Match pronounce increase partner speed n. 速度 v. 发音 n. 搭档;同伴v. 增加;增长 What’s your difficulties in learning English? I can’t always make complete sentences. I don’t get much writing practice. I read very slowly. I can’t pronounce some words. I don’t know how to speak English well. 1a Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check (√) the statements that are true for you. ___ I can’t pronounce some of the words. ___ I can’t always understand spoken English. ___ I don’t how to increase my reading spead. ___ I can’t spell some English words. ___ I often make mistakes in grammar. 1b What other things are difficult for you? Make a list. I don’t know enough words to write well. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ I can’t pronounce some words. I read very slowly. I can’t always make complete sentences. 1c Paul finds it difficult to learn English. Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about. He can’t get the ______________ right. He _________ a lot of new words. He can’t always ___________ when people talk to him. He doesn’t get much _______ practice. Challenges pronunciation forgets understand writing Match speaking English with friends reading English magazines writing emails to friends watch


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