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Unit 5检测卷B I. 词汇 ( 26分) A. 根据中文或首字母提示及括号中解释写出句中所缺单词 1. Mr. Smith ______(卖) her the painting for $ 500. 2. 3. When tigers are h_______, they will catch the small animals to eat. 4. The _______ (条纹) of the zebra are black and white. 5. The doctor asked me to take the m________ three times a day. 6. You must be very t_______ after the long walk. You’d better have a rest. 7. At last we agreed to choose Janet as _______ (主席)of the Reading Club. 8. The old man’s h______ isn’t as good as it used to be. You’d better talk louder 9. You’d better finish the work before ________. (twelve o’clock in the middle of the day) 10. I feel _______. Could you get me something to drink? B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. We ________(sincere) believe that this is the right decision. 2. Every one of us was sorry to hear the _____(lose) of her mother. 3. I don’t think _______(wolf) are dangerous animals. 4. Today is my father’s _________(forty) birthday. 5. All ______ (life) things need air, water and sunshine. 6. — Why do the girl learn to dance? — Just for __________(funny). 7. Never buy any clothes _________(make) of animal fur. 8. They go to the zoo to see the ________(feed) of animals once a month. 9. Try to be even _________(care) next time, or you won’t get a good result. 10. The poor child was more _______(hunger) than the old. C. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. I usually _____ (meet) my friends and had a great time talking to each other. 2. His father _______ (work) in a children’s hospital called Sunlight, doesn’t he? . Go down the street until you ______ (see) the second traffic lights. 4.We ______ (plan) to have a day out. Would you be quiet, please? 5. Thank it over, and you ______ (find) a way. 6.We don’t know if it _______ (rain) tomorrow. If it ______ (rain), we ____(have) to stay inside. II. 单项选择。( 15分) ( ) 1. Last year, my uncle met ___ elephant in ____ wild in Yunnan. A. an, an B. a, the C. the, a D. an, the (


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