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Unit 5 Signs (cartoon time sound time) 沿江小学 王圆圆 bird girl birthday Do they all pronounced ? They see a lot of monkeys around them. 请选择你们喜欢的方式在小组内读一读: 可以小组齐读 可以一人领读,其他三人跟读 也可以分角色读一读(2人读旁白,2人分别读Sam 和Bobby) Homework 1、熟读并背诵Cartoon Time。 2、写出5个含有ir并有相同发音的单词,同时造句。 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 * * Magic eyes 大声说出图上标志的名称 Sign Wall It means we can/cant······here. ...use ... There is ... No cycling. No cameras. No pets. Don’t turn right. Keep quiet. WiFi. a toilet . Keep off the grass. The little bird said to the girl, The girl said to the little bird, Why are you so happy today? Because today is my birthday The little bird said to the girl, The girl said to the little bird, The little bird said to the girl, Why are you so happy today? The girl said to the little bird, Because today is my birthday! shirt skirt chair thirsty third tired thirty circle thirteen T-shirt /?r/ /a??/ Look and Talk on an outing 郊游 Look and Talk Look and Talk 在他们周围 继续走 在他们周围 ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ There are a lot of monkeys around Bobby and Sam,they want to eat the bananas. What will Bobby and Sam do?(Bobby和Sam会做什么呢?) *


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