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* Module 8 unit 3 Vocabulary 1.still lifes 静物画; keep still; stand/sit still 2.abstract concept/idea/thinking/noun *in the abstract 抽象地;理论上;概括地 *abstract art 抽象派;抽象主义 3.Spain -- Spanish 4.architecture-- architectural 建筑学的 *architect 建筑师 5.output– input 6.medium—media (pl.) *medium size 中号;a man of medium height 7.an acute economic crisis; acute angle *cause acute pain; acutely adj. 尖锐地剧烈地 *n. acuteness 剧烈;敏锐;锐利 *have an acute sense of hearing 8.rectangle– triangle– circle 9.consensus--复数consensuses *reach a consensus on sth. 达成共识 *by popular consensus 举世公认 10.calculate on/upon指望;期待 *be calculated for 适合于…z XxK *calculation: n. 计算;估计; *calculator: n. 计算器;计算者 *I calculated that he would arrive at midnight. *This school is calculated for the disabled children. *We cannot calculate upon having fine weather for the sports meeting. 11.shadow ones eyes with tears *in the shadow of 在阴暗处 *cast a shadow on/over 投射阴影 12.commit-committed-committed-committing *committed: adj. 坚定的/效忠的/承担义务的 *commitment: n.承诺;承担义务;献身 *commit murder/crimes/mistakes/suicide *commit oneself to doing sth.致力于 *commit to sth./to do(ing) sth.承诺 *make a commitment to do sth.承诺 *take on many commitments承担义务 12. human being; sth. come into being 形成 *bring sth. into being使…形成产生 13. rewarding: adj. 有益的, 值得的, 有报酬的 *in reward for…作为报答;作为奖赏酬谢 *as a reward for作为…的报酬/回报 *offer/present a reward for 悬赏 *The school rewarded him with a prize for excellence in his studies. *How can I reward you for your kindness? *receive/get/gain/obtain/win a reward for *award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb. 14. sales agent 销售代理商travel agent 旅行社 *agency: n. 代理,中介,代理处,经销处advertising~ 15.be off to=start/set out/off for=head for/to =leave for =take one’s departure for 16.changeable;unstablez XxK 17. twist one’s ankle 18.a suite/set of furniture 19. provide temporary accommodation for sb. *accommodate: v. 容纳;使适应;供应;调解 *The school was not big enough to ~ all the Ss. *He accommodated easily to the changed ci


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