【重点词汇归纳】2014届高考复习英语词汇剖析 3.doc

【重点词汇归纳】2014届高考复习英语词汇剖析 3.doc

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【重点词汇归纳】2014届高考复习英语词汇剖析 3

perform/performance 1、perform/performance perform 是动词“履行,表演”,而performance 是名词“表演,演出”。如: perform a task/an operation/one’s duties/a play/a part做工作/做手术/尽责任/上演一出戏/演一个角色; perform to sb. 对某人表演;give a performance演 出;对比:act/play a part 扮演角色;put on a play 上演一出戏 完成句子 他们总是很耐心地做实验。 They always________their experiments_________great patience. 今晚演出什么戏? What play_______ _______ _______tonight? 这位歌唱家以前从未在北京演唱过。 The singer has never________in Beijing_______.Key:①perform,with? ?②will,be,performed ? ?③performed,before perform exercises to music. 短语意为“伴随音乐做体操”,从中可知“do sth. to music”为“伴随音乐做某事”。如: She likes dancing to music.她喜欢随着音乐跳舞。 2、permission短语归纳 ask for permission 请求许可;?ask sb.for permission to do sth. 请求某人允许做某事; ask permission to do sth. 请求得到允许做某事;give sb.permission to do sth. 允许某人做; with one’s permission 经某人允许;without one’s permission 未经允许; 如:You have to ask the teacher for permission to do that. 你应该得到老师的同意再去做那件事。 You have to ask permission to go there. 你应该请求许可到那里去。 选择正确答案 No permission has _______ for anybody to enter the building. (MET’88) A.been given?????????????? B.given  C.to give????????????????? D.be giving Key:A 3、personally (1)就我个人来说(= in my personal opinion),用于表示个人的意见,通常于句首。 Personally, I don’t see much difference between the two.就我个人来讲,这两者没多大差别。 (2)亲自 The manager went personally to the hospital to see the worker who was seriously ill. 经理亲自去医院看望患重病的工人。 拓展:person ? ? / c. / 人 personal ? ? ? ? ? adj. 个人的 personality ? ? ? ?/ c. u. / 个性,品格;人物 3


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