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Believe yourself ! You can do it! Ask Ss to read the following sentences and pay attention to the vowels on page 15. Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the sounds of the letters in red. 1. Listen to the music. It’s nice. 2. These students often fly kites. 3. Those pupils like playing games. 4. He likes the cute baby. 5. Sometimes we go home late. Homework 1. Try to find more words and put them into a group then find the rules of the same letters . 2. Search for the information about different sounds of the letters on the Internet. * name cake lake face game /eI/ a Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters a. these be we he me /i:/ e Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters e. time bike rice fine kite /aI/ i Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters i. so go nose home no / / o Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters o. use computer pupil cute music /ju:/ u Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters u. 音标 (48) 元音 (20) 辅音 (28) 单元音 (12) 双元音(8) 前元音(4) 中元音(2) 后元音(8) /eI/传统的国际音标的读音符号 该音是个双元音,是字母a在重读开音节单词中的读音。先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。 /i:/传统式的国际音标读音符号前元音,此音是长元音,一定注音把音发足。其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。   /aI/传统的国际音标读音符号  该音是个双元音,是字母i或y在单词中的发音。/ai/为双元音。先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。   / /传统的国际音标的读音符号 该音是个双元音,是字母o,oa和oe在单词中的读音。它由元音//滑向后元音/u/即美音和英音的//,舌位由半低到高,口形由半开到小。注意将音发足。 Ask Ss to choose one icon, and read the group of the words. Believe yourself page same gate face race /eI/ … Believe yourself nice hide rise size wife /aI/ … Believe yourself joke hope note rose home / / … Find the rule by yourself ? ? ? ? ? … /eI/ /i:/ /aI/ / / /ju:/ Read the words and put them in the correct groups, grade he hello like make me music those use white /eI/ grade make /i:/ he me /aI/ like whi


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