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Unit 1 School life Brainstorming 1. Which aspect or factor attracts you most and causes you to study here? Hardware(硬件) or software(软件)? hardware: school facilities; school location; school services… software: teachers; student sources; study atmosphere(氛围)… 2. Do you have any difficulty finding your way to the classroom or any other buildings on the first day you came into this school? 3. How did you find your way around? School facilities: 1. What do we do in the following places? 2. Do you know where they are? Store Dormitory Gym Medical center Car park School hall classrooms library canteen school hall car park gym dormitory Do you remember the sentence patterns to ask the way? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…? Excuse me, which is the nearest way to…? Excuse me, how can I get to / arrive at / reach…? Turn right / left, and walk straight on… At the end of the first / second crossing, you will find it on your right / left. You can’t miss it. Walk towards / past…, and then walk between…and… . You will find… at the end of the road. It’s far from here. But you can take Bus No. 5, which will take you right there. I’m sorry, but I’m new here. You can ask the policeman /the old woman over there. Please turn to page 6. Let’s see what Wei Hua is thinking about. Part A She is thinking of how to get to the canteen by looking at the map of the school. If you are standing at the door of the dormitories, first turn right and go past the medical centre and the gym, then turn left and walk past the Science Laboratory. Then turn left, and the Classroom 4 is on your right. Look at the school map on page 6 with Wei Hua and write a description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to Classroom 4. Part B Wei Hua has a notice from the Students’ Office, but some of the names of the buildings are missing. Fill in the blanks so she can find her way around the school. Part C Welcome to Central Manchester High School (CMHS) CMHS h


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