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人物、国家国籍、天气 润州区实验小学   张燕 talk about the topics of this lesson. I can work with my classmates and speak English bravely. 勇敢的 Let’s enjoy Sydney opera house 悉尼歌剧院 The statue of liberty 自由女神像 Big Ben 大本钟 Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 Fujiyama 富士山 The Great Wall Sydney opera house The statue of liberty Big Ben Eiffel Tower Fujiyama The Great Wall Try to say: (同桌说一说) …is in… Try to Guess: (猜猜他们是哪个国家的动画卡通人物) Is …from…?/Does…come from…? Let’s talk …is from… …is… …speaks… Harry Potter Monkey King Transformers Conan Game Read and judge Rules(游戏规则): 说一说,想一想,判断对错。 Say Oh! Yeah! If you think it is . Say Oh,No. If you think it is . I’m from China. I’m Chinese. I speak Chinese. Oh! Yeah! Oh! No! We can see Big Ben in the USA. They come from France, they speak English. The woman can speak Japanese and French. The basketball players are from America. New York is a big city in Australia. Japanese Chinese My penfriend comes from Let’s go to Australia! Is the… in/with … your penfriend? with 表示“有, 带有,具有… 特征”;in表示 穿戴 Let’s guess Linda 考考你的眼力,找找他们的职业。 Linda Jim Carl Tom Mary Let’s find Jim Carl Tom Linda Mary driver policeman teacher doctor waitress 两人一组说一说 What’s ××’s job? He’s /She’s …. My penfriend How many people are there in her family? Linda Age: ____ Family: ______, husband, ______and her daughter. School: _______Primary School Favourite subjects:_______and ________ Hobbies: travelling and ______ ______. parents Spring Chinese taking son 32 Take notes(速记): There are her grandma, parents, aunt,… p a French photos Let’s listen 你想知道关于澳大利亚的什么吗? Let’s go to Australia! Dear friend Do you like Australia? We study at Spring Primary School in Sydney. The weather in Sydney is different from that in China. In Australia spring comes in September. It is often sunny. Summer is from December to February. It is hot. January is the hottest month of a year, sometimes the temperature’s over 40°C. Autumn starts in March. It’s th


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