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其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,请教师根据实际情况选用。 * 操作方法:上图是教师引出故事标题。此处的问题需要学生自己读,带着问题去看动画。 * While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:Read a story 活动目的:了解故事内容。 操作方法:分角色朗读故事。 * Post-task activity 2: 活动内容:Complete the story about Mr Tree. 活动目的:利用过去式概括故事部分内容。 操作方法:学生根据提示在课文上进行填写。 * * The bird and the tree 1. Are there a lot of trees around your home? 2. Do you like them? 3. Why do we need trees? Trees give us delicious fruit. Trees provide homes for birds. Trees give us wood. We can make many things with wood. The bird and the tree 1.Who is the bird’s friend? 2.What does the bird often do in the tree? 3.When autumn comes, what does the bird have to do? 4.Spring comes. Can the bird see the tree? Why/Why not? 5.What happened to the tree? 6.Where did the bird go? Did she meet the tree there? 7.What did the bird do at last? The bird and the tree are friends. The bird often sings songs in the tree. Who is the bird’s friend? What does the bird often do in the tree? The tree Autumn comes. The bird has to fly to the south. Bird: See you next spring, Mr Tree. Tree: See you, Miss Bird. I’ll miss you. Spring comes. The bird comes back, but she cannot see the tree. Bird: Where’s Mr Tree? Grass: Some workers cut him down and took him to a factory. When autumn comes, what does the bird have to do? Spring comes. Can the bird see the tree? Why/Why not? The bird flies to the factory. Bird: I’m looking for my friend Mr Tree. Where is he? Gate: The workers cut him into wood. They used the wood to make matches. Then they took the matches to a village. What happened to the tree? The workers cut him into wood. They used the wood to make matches. Then they took the matches to village. The bird flies to the village and sees a girl beside a fire. Bird: Hello! Are there any matches in your home? Girl: There were many matches, but now there aren’t any. I used the last one to make the fire. Where did the bird go? Did she meet the tree there? The bird flew to the village. No


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