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Unit 3 What’s your job? (B,C) Step A Warm up. 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. (1)引入课题:Today we are going to learn Unit 2 What’s your job?(BC) (2) 出示图片: a. Who’s that man? He’s Mr Brown. He’s a doctor. Q: What’s his job? 板书What’s his job? b. Who’s that woman? She’s Miss Li. She’s a teacher. Q: What’s her job? 板书 What’s her job? c. 直接问学生: What’s your job? 板书 I’m a student. (3) 出示学生的照片。 What’s her name? What’s his name? PPT展示,学生长大以后。Now you grow up. You’re twenty. What’s your job? Do you want to be a policeman? (4)出示单词卡片点教学光碟,整体听两遍: policeman policewoman cook driver waiter, waitress, cook, farmer. (5) What’s your job? 学生说出自己的职业。 I’m a xx. (6) We have learnt the words by ourselves. Now, we’ll have a group match. We choose a word to teach others. (7) Tip: How can we teach the others. S1: We can use the cartoons or PPT of the teacher’s . (我们可以用老师的卡通片或PPT) S2: We can draw some pictures. (我们可以画些画)教师示范 S3: We can use the cards. (我们可以用卡片)。教师出示。 S4: We can read more. (我们可以多读) S5:We can teach the word with action. (我们可以加上动作) (8) 展示各种帮助手段。提供老师的光碟、磁带、图片, 老师的简笔画,学生的简笔画。 警察的帽子,服务员的托盘或者加上动作。 (9)Discuss in group. What to teach and how to teach. (10) 分小组展示。Teach the other students. a.展示的过程中教师注意引导学生示范好发音,做好拼读及板书好单词。 b. 引导学生进行对话练习:What’s your job? What’s his job?What’s her job? What are their jobs? (11) We have learnt the words. Now let’s repeat together. Who can imitate well. (12) Now let’s play a game. What’s your job? (13) Let’s sing a song. 《They sing happily》 C. Consolidation. 1. What’s your job when you grow up? Talk in your group. 2. Write down your job . 3. 询问学生的职业。用上所学的句型。 4. 让职业相同的学生站在一起。What are their jobs? 引入单词的复数形式,并板书出单词复数形式。 5 画出相同职业所站的位置,重点操练What are their jobs? 板书复数形式的单词。policemen policewomen waitresses 6.出示C部分图片。 a. Let’s look and say P 1. b. Let’s look and say P 2. c. Practice in groups. 小组自选一幅图说一说。 d. Look and say. e. Let’s write P 4 together. f. let’s write together. First, let’s spell the words by ourselves. Second. Let’s writ


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