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七年级英语培优训练 作文1 一、根据以下要点,写一篇题为My dream home的短文,词数70左右。 要点:1. 我理想的家园不是很大,它靠近大海,二楼有一个大阳台,能眺望大海和海滩。 2. 我有自己的卧室和书房,我可以在书房读书或和朋友们聊天。 3. 一楼有个大厨房,因为我喜欢做饭。 4. 房子前有个花园,可以赏花。在那里我总是很开心。 My dream home Welcome to my dream home! It’s not very large. It’s near the sea. There’s a big balcony on the first floor. I can look out at the sea and the beach there. On the first floor, I also have my own bedroom and study. I can read or chat with my friends in the study. On the ground floor, there is a big kitchen because I like making meals. In front of the house, there’s a garden. I can enjoy beautiful flowers and have lots of fun there. Do you like my dream home? I hope I can live in such a house some day. 二、格林夫妇刚刚搬到你家隔壁,,? community not big, many trees and … people kind and helpful volunteers share their different skills college stu ready to help students with their homework artists give people some ideas about clothes styles doctors … engineers … 要求: 1. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并适当发挥; 2. 70词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Green. I’m glad to tell you something about our community. It is not very big, but I think it is really a wonderful place to live. You can see many trees and flowers in our community, and people here are very kind and helpful. Most of them are volunteers. They like to share their different skills. If people’s washing machine is broken, they can get help from our engineers. They are good at fixing it. Sometimes people do not feel well. The good doctors and nurses here will make them feel better. There are also some artists in our community. They are able to give people some ideas about clothes styles. College students are ready to help our homework. I am very glad to live in a community like this. 三、根据提示写一篇介绍家乡的短文: 要点:1、美丽的如皋是我的家乡,位于江苏的东部。 2、乘车从市中心到我家需要120分钟。 3、没有许多的工厂(factories),所以空气很新鲜。 4、有许多像水绘园,定慧寺…可以参观的地方,我希望你们来参观。 5、我将带你参观我的家乡。 Rugao is my hometown. It is in the east of Jiangsu. It is a beautiful place. In my hometown, there are a lot of thin


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